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Deployment overview
TS 201, 202 a 205: 263 a 242 (+ 961) OCÚ východ SÚ Brno-Maloměřice

TS 201 (263) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 201 / 1. day
Os 4700Brno hl.n. (4:32) - Letovice (5:30)operates in work days
Os 4741Letovice (6:20) - Brno hl.n. (7:31)operates in work days
Os 4710Brno hl.n. (9:00) - Letovice (10:01)operates in work days
Os 4719Letovice (10:58) - Křenovice horní n. (12:33)operates in work days
Os 4746Křenovice horní n. (12:54) - Skalice nad Svitavou (14:18)operates in work days
Os 4749Skalice nad Svitavou (14:42) - Sokolnice-Telnice (15:51)operates in work days
Os 4726Sokolnice-Telnice (16:35) - Letovice (18:01)operates in work days
Os 4735Letovice (18:58) - Křenovice horní n. (20:37)operates in work days
Os 4022Křenovice horní n. (20:54) - Brno hl.n. (21:26)operates in work days
Os 4716Brno hl.n. (12:00) - Letovice (13:01)operates on Saturday
Os 4725Letovice (13:58) - Křenovice horní n. (15:33)operates on Saturday
Os 4752Křenovice horní n. (15:54) - Brno hl.n. (16:26)operates on Saturday
Os 4726Brno hl.n. (17:00) - Letovice (18:01)operates on Saturday
Os 4735Letovice (18:58) - Brno hl.n. (19:59)operates on Saturday
Os 4738Brno hl.n. (23:04) - Letovice (0:03)operates on Saturday
Os 4705Letovice (5:00) - Křenovice horní n. (6:33)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4006Křenovice horní n. (6:54) - Brno hl.n. (7:26)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4708Brno hl.n. (8:00) - Letovice (9:01)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4717Letovice (9:58) - Křenovice horní n. (11:33)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4744Křenovice horní n. (11:54) - Brno hl.n. (12:26)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4718Brno hl.n. (13:00) - Letovice (14:01)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4727Letovice (14:58) - Brno hl.n. (15:59)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4728Brno hl.n. (18:00) - Letovice (19:01)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4737Letovice (19:58) - Křenovice horní n. (21:33)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4024Křenovice horní n. (21:59) - Brno hl.n. (22:26)operates on Sundays and public holidays

TS 201a (263) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 201a / 1. day
Os 4701Letovice (3:59) - Křenovice horní n. (5:32)operates in work days
Os 4742Křenovice horní n. (5:54) - Skalice nad Svitavou (7:18)operates in work days
Os 4743Skalice nad Svitavou (7:42) - Brno hl.n. (8:31)operates in work days
Os 4716Brno hl.n. (12:00) - Letovice (13:01)operates in work days
Os 4725Letovice (13:58) - Křenovice horní n. (15:33)operates in work days
Os 4752Křenovice horní n. (15:54) - Skalice nad Svitavou (17:18)operates in work days
Os 4755Skalice nad Svitavou (17:42) - Sokolnice-Telnice (18:51)operates in work days
Os 4732Sokolnice-Telnice (19:39) - Letovice (21:01)operates in work days
Os 4705Letovice (5:00) - Křenovice horní n. (6:33)operates on Saturday
Os 4006Křenovice horní n. (6:54) - Brno hl.n. (7:26)operates on Saturday
Os 4708Brno hl.n. (8:00) - Letovice (9:01)operates on Saturday
Os 4717Letovice (9:58) - Křenovice horní n. (11:33)operates on Saturday
Os 4744Křenovice horní n. (11:54) - Brno hl.n. (12:26)operates on Saturday
Os 4718Brno hl.n. (13:00) - Letovice (14:01)operates on Saturday
Os 4727Letovice (14:58) - Brno hl.n. (15:59)operates on Saturday
Os 4728Brno hl.n. (18:00) - Letovice (19:01)operates on Saturday
Os 4737Letovice (19:58) - Křenovice horní n. (21:33)operates on Saturday
Os 4024Křenovice horní n. (21:59) - Brno hl.n. (22:26)operates on Saturday
Os 4720Brno hl.n. (14:00) - Letovice (15:01)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4729Letovice (15:58) - Křenovice horní n. (17:33)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4756Křenovice horní n. (17:54) - Brno hl.n. (18:26)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 4732Brno hl.n. (20:00) - Letovice (21:01)operates on Sundays and public holidays

TS 202 (242 WTB) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 202 / 1. day
Os 4903
Tišnov (4:44) - Židlochovice (5:49)operates in work days
Os 4906Židlochovice (6:10) - Tišnov (7:14)operates in work days
Os 4915
Tišnov (7:45) - Brno hl.n. (8:25)operates in work days
Os 4927
Brno hl.n. (13:27) - Židlochovice (13:49)operates in work days
Os 4930Židlochovice (14:07) - Tišnov (15:13)operates in work days
Os 4939
Tišnov (15:45) - Židlochovice (16:49)operates in work days
Os 4942Židlochovice (17:10) - Tišnov (18:14)operates in work days
Os 4661
Tišnov (18:30) - Vranovice (19:40)operates in work days
Os 4672Vranovice (21:18) - Tišnov (22:29)operates in work days
Os 4633
Tišnov (4:30) - Brno hl.n. (5:07)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4961
Brno hl.n. (5:44) - Židlochovice (6:07)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4964Židlochovice (6:54) - Kuřim (7:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4917
Kuřim (8:12) - Židlochovice (9:03)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4918Židlochovice (9:54) - Kuřim (10:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4923
Kuřim (11:12) - Židlochovice (12:02)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4924Židlochovice (12:54) - Brno hl.n. (13:19)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4926Brno hl.n. (13:23) - Kuřim (13:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4969
Kuřim (14:12) - Židlochovice (15:07)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4974Židlochovice (15:54) - Kuřim (16:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4975
Kuřim (17:12) - Židlochovice (18:03)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4980Židlochovice (18:54) - Kuřim (19:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4665
Kuřim (20:12) - Brno hl.n. (20:37)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 4674Brno hl.n. (23:01) - Tišnov (23:37)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
TS 202 / 2. day
Os 4905
Tišnov (5:15) - Židlochovice (6:23)operates in work days
Os 4908Židlochovice (6:34) - Tišnov (7:44)operates in work days
Os 4917
Tišnov (8:00) - Židlochovice (9:03)operates in work days
Os 4918Židlochovice (9:54) - Tišnov (10:59)operates in work days
Os 4925
Tišnov (12:00) - Židlochovice (13:03)operates in work days
Os 4928Židlochovice (13:54) - Tišnov (14:59)operates in work days
Os 4937
Tišnov (15:15) - Židlochovice (16:23)operates in work days
Os 4940Židlochovice (16:36) - Tišnov (17:44)operates in work days
Os 4953
Tišnov (19:00) - Židlochovice (20:02)operates in work days
Os 4956Židlochovice (20:54) - Tišnov (21:59)operates in work days

TS 205 (242) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 205 / 1. day
Os 4021Brno hl.n. (3:06) - Křenovice horní n. (3:33)operates in work days
Os 4042Křenovice horní n. (4:23) - Rájec-Jestřebí (5:45)operates in work days
Os 4043Rájec-Jestřebí (6:10) - Brno hl.n. (6:44)operates in work days
Sp 1780Brno hl.n. (8:06) - Tišnov (8:42)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1779Tišnov (19:16) - Brno hl.n. (19:49)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays