Period 15. 12. 2024 – 13. 12. 2025
train | route | when goes |
TS 841 / 1. day | ||
Os 9201 | Čerčany (3:36) - Zruč nad Sázavou (5:06) | operates in work days |
Os 9206 | Zruč nad Sázavou (6:05) - Čerčany (7:55) | operates in work days |
Os 9213 | Čerčany (9:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (11:00) | operates in work days |
Os 9218 | Zruč nad Sázavou (13:06) - Čerčany (14:59) | operates in work days |
Os 9223 | Čerčany (15:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (16:54) | operates in work days |
Os 9230 | Zruč nad Sázavou (17:08) - Čerčany (18:59) | operates in work days |
Os 9231 | Čerčany (19:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (20:53) | operates before workdays, regularly Sunday to Thursday |
TS 841 / 2. day | ||
Os 9202 | Zruč nad Sázavou (4:20) - Čerčany (6:07) | operates in work days |
Os 9243 | Čerčany (6:46) - Sázava (7:20) | operates in work days |
Os 9246 | Sázava (8:21) - Čerčany (8:55) | operates in work days |
Os 9217 | Čerčany (11:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (12:54) | operates in work days |
Os 9218 postrk Zruč nad Sázavou - Kácov | Zruč nad Sázavou (13:06) - Kácov (13:28) | operates in work days |
Os 9271 | Kácov (13:34) - Zruč nad Sázavou (13:54) | operates in work days |
Os 9222 | Zruč nad Sázavou (14:06) - Čerčany (15:59) | operates in work days |
Os 9227 | Čerčany (17:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (18:59) | operates in work days |
Os 9234 | Zruč nad Sázavou (19:10) - Čerčany (20:48) | operates in work days |
Os 9235 | Čerčany (21:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (23:17) | operates Monday to Thursday |
Os 9233 | Čerčany (21:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (22:48) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
TS 841 / 3. day | ||
Os 9200 | Zruč nad Sázavou (3:13) - Čerčany (4:40) | operates in work days |
Os 9203 | Čerčany (4:46) - Zruč nad Sázavou (6:52) | operates in work days |
Os 9212 | Zruč nad Sázavou (9:08) - Čerčany (10:59) | operates in work days |
TS 841 / 4. day | ||
Os 9219 | Čerčany (13:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (14:54) | operates in work days |
Os 9226 | Zruč nad Sázavou (15:08) - Čerčany (16:59) | operates in work days |
train | route | when goes |
TS 041 / 1. day | ||
Os 9203 | Čerčany (4:46) - Sázava (5:20) | operates in work days, not operates from 23. XII. to 3. I. |
Os 9206 | Sázava (7:21) - Čerčany (7:55) | operates in work days, not operates from 23. XII. to 3. I. |
Os 9223 | Čerčany (15:16) - Zruč nad Sázavou (16:54) | operates in work days, not operates from 23. XII. to 2. I. |
TS 041 / 2. day | ||
Os 9202 | Zruč nad Sázavou (4:20) - Čerčany (6:07) | operates in work days, not operates from 27. XII. to 3. I. |
Os 9227 | Čerčany (17:16) - Sázava (17:50) | operates in work days, not operates from 23. XII. to 3. I. |
Os 9230 | Sázava (18:22) - Čerčany (18:59) | operates in work days, not operates from 23. XII. to 3. I. |
train | route | when goes |
TS 842 / 1. day | ||
Sv 26114 postrk | Čerčany (10:06) - Benešov u Prahy (10:14) | operates in work days |
Os 19119 | Benešov u Prahy (10:32) - Vlašim (11:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19122 | Vlašim (11:26) - Benešov u Prahy (12:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19127 | Benešov u Prahy (12:32) - Vlašim (13:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19130 | Vlašim (13:26) - Benešov u Prahy (14:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19135 | Benešov u Prahy (14:32) - Vlašim (15:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19138 | Vlašim (15:26) - Benešov u Prahy (16:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19143 | Benešov u Prahy (16:32) - Vlašim (17:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19146 | Vlašim (17:26) - Benešov u Prahy (18:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19151 | Benešov u Prahy (18:32) - Vlašim (19:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19154 | Vlašim (19:26) - Benešov u Prahy (20:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19157 | Benešov u Prahy (20:32) - Vlašim (21:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19160 | Vlašim (22:04) - Benešov u Prahy (22:40) | operates in work days |
Os 19100 | Vlašim (4:50) - Benešov u Prahy (5:26) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 19100 | Benešov u Prahy (5:38) - Čerčany (5:47) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 19107 | Čerčany (6:29) - Benešov u Prahy (6:38) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19107 | Benešov u Prahy (6:44) - Vlašim (7:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19112 | Vlašim (8:39) - Benešov u Prahy (9:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19117 | Benešov u Prahy (9:44) - Vlašim (10:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19120 | Vlašim (10:39) - Benešov u Prahy (11:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19125 | Benešov u Prahy (11:44) - Vlašim (12:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19128 | Vlašim (12:39) - Benešov u Prahy (13:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19133 | Benešov u Prahy (13:44) - Vlašim (14:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19136 | Vlašim (14:39) - Benešov u Prahy (15:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19141 | Benešov u Prahy (15:44) - Vlašim (16:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19144 | Vlašim (16:39) - Benešov u Prahy (17:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19149 | Benešov u Prahy (17:44) - Vlašim (18:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19152 | Vlašim (18:39) - Benešov u Prahy (19:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 19152 | Benešov u Prahy (19:25) - Čerčany (19:34) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 19159 | Čerčany (20:30) - Benešov u Prahy (20:39) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19159 | Benešov u Prahy (20:44) - Vlašim (21:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19160 | Vlašim (22:04) - Benešov u Prahy (22:40) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19161 | Benešov u Prahy (23:04) - Vlašim (23:39) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
TS 842 / 2. day | ||
Os 19103 | Benešov u Prahy (4:56) - Vlašim (5:33) | operates in work days |
Os 19104 | Vlašim (5:50) - Benešov u Prahy (6:26) | operates in work days |
Os 19109 | Benešov u Prahy (6:56) - Vlašim (7:33) | operates in work days |
Os 19110 | Vlašim (7:50) - Benešov u Prahy (8:26) | operates in work days |
Os 19115 | Benešov u Prahy (8:56) - Vlašim (9:33) | operates in work days |
Os 19118 | Vlašim (9:50) - Benešov u Prahy (10:26) | operates in work days |
Sv 19118 | Benešov u Prahy (10:35) - Čerčany (10:44) | operates in work days |
Sv 19131 | Čerčany (13:05) - Benešov u Prahy (13:14) | operates in work days |
Os 19131 | Benešov u Prahy (13:32) - Vlašim (14:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19134 | Vlašim (14:26) - Benešov u Prahy (15:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19139 | Benešov u Prahy (15:32) - Vlašim (16:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19142 | Vlašim (16:26) - Benešov u Prahy (17:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19147 | Benešov u Prahy (17:32) - Vlašim (18:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19150 | Vlašim (18:26) - Benešov u Prahy (19:02) | operates in work days |
Os 19155 | Benešov u Prahy (19:32) - Vlašim (20:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19156 | Vlašim (20:26) - Benešov u Prahy (21:02) | operates in work days |
Sv 19156 | Benešov u Prahy (21:09) - Čerčany (21:18) | operates in work days |
Os 19101 | Benešov u Prahy (4:56) - Vlašim (5:33) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19106 | Vlašim (6:39) - Benešov u Prahy (7:15) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 19106 | Benešov u Prahy (7:25) - Čerčany (7:34) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 19113 | Čerčany (8:06) - Benešov u Prahy (8:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19113 | Benešov u Prahy (8:44) - Vlašim (9:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19116 | Vlašim (9:39) - Benešov u Prahy (10:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19121 | Benešov u Prahy (10:44) - Vlašim (11:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19124 | Vlašim (11:39) - Benešov u Prahy (12:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19129 | Benešov u Prahy (12:44) - Vlašim (13:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19132 | Vlašim (13:39) - Benešov u Prahy (14:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19137 | Benešov u Prahy (14:44) - Vlašim (15:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19140 | Vlašim (15:39) - Benešov u Prahy (16:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19145 | Benešov u Prahy (16:44) - Vlašim (17:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19148 | Vlašim (17:39) - Benešov u Prahy (18:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19153 | Benešov u Prahy (18:44) - Vlašim (19:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19158 | Vlašim (20:39) - Benešov u Prahy (21:15) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 26120 | Čerčany (13:17) - Benešov u Prahy (13:26) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26120 | Benešov u Prahy (13:33) - Sedlčany (14:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26119 | Sedlčany (14:39) - Benešov u Prahy (15:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26124 | Benešov u Prahy (15:33) - Sedlčany (16:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26125 | Sedlčany (16:39) - Benešov u Prahy (17:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26128 | Benešov u Prahy (17:33) - Sedlčany (18:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26131 | Sedlčany (18:39) - Benešov u Prahy (19:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26132 | Benešov u Prahy (19:33) - Sedlčany (20:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26137 | Sedlčany (20:39) - Benešov u Prahy (21:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 26137 | Benešov u Prahy (21:35) - Čerčany (21:44) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 26136 | Čerčany (22:42) - Benešov u Prahy (22:51) | operates workdays, Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26136 | Benešov u Prahy (23:03) - Sedlčany (23:50) | operates workdays, Sundays and public holidays |
TS 842 / 3. day | ||
Os 26101 | Sedlčany (4:40) - Benešov u Prahy (5:27) | operates on workdays and Saturdays |
Os 26104 | Benešov u Prahy (5:33) - Sedlčany (6:29) | operates in work days |
Os 26105 | Sedlčany (6:34) - Benešov u Prahy (7:27) | operates in work days |
Os 26110 | Benešov u Prahy (8:19) - Sedlčany (9:06) | operates in work days |
Os 26102 | Benešov u Prahy (5:33) - Sedlčany (6:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26107 | Sedlčany (6:40) - Benešov u Prahy (7:27) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26108 | Benešov u Prahy (7:33) - Sedlčany (8:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26111 | Sedlčany (8:39) - Benešov u Prahy (9:27) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26112 | Benešov u Prahy (9:33) - Sedlčany (10:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26113 | Sedlčany (10:39) - Benešov u Prahy (11:27) | operates on workdays and Saturdays |
Os 26118 | Benešov u Prahy (12:19) - Sedlčany (13:06) | operates in work days |
Os 26117 | Sedlčany (13:53) - Benešov u Prahy (14:41) | operates in work days |
Os 26124 | Benešov u Prahy (15:33) - Sedlčany (16:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26127 | Sedlčany (16:53) - Benešov u Prahy (17:41) | operates in work days |
Os 26130 | Benešov u Prahy (18:33) - Sedlčany (19:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26135 | Sedlčany (19:53) - Benešov u Prahy (20:41) | operates in work days |
Sv 26135 | Benešov u Prahy (20:48) - Čerčany (20:57) | operates in work days |
Os 26116 | Benešov u Prahy (11:33) - Sedlčany (12:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26115 | Sedlčany (12:39) - Benešov u Prahy (13:27) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 26115 | Benešov u Prahy (13:39) - Čerčany (13:48) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19101 | Benešov u Prahy (4:56) - Vlašim (5:33) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19106 | Vlašim (6:39) - Benešov u Prahy (7:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 19106 | Benešov u Prahy (7:25) - Čerčany (7:34) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 19113 | Čerčany (8:06) - Benešov u Prahy (8:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19113 | Benešov u Prahy (8:44) - Vlašim (9:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19116 | Vlašim (9:39) - Benešov u Prahy (10:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19121 | Benešov u Prahy (10:44) - Vlašim (11:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19124 | Vlašim (11:39) - Benešov u Prahy (12:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19129 | Benešov u Prahy (12:44) - Vlašim (13:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19132 | Vlašim (13:39) - Benešov u Prahy (14:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19137 | Benešov u Prahy (14:44) - Vlašim (15:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19140 | Vlašim (15:39) - Benešov u Prahy (16:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19145 | Benešov u Prahy (16:44) - Vlašim (17:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19148 | Vlašim (17:39) - Benešov u Prahy (18:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19153 | Benešov u Prahy (18:44) - Vlašim (19:21) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 19158 | Vlašim (20:39) - Benešov u Prahy (21:15) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
TS 842 / 4. day | ||
Os 26100 | Čerčany (4:43) - Sedlčany (5:53) | operates in work days |
Os 26111 | Sedlčany (8:39) - Benešov u Prahy (9:27) | operates in work days |
Sv 26111 | Benešov u Prahy (9:39) - Čerčany (9:48) | operates in work days |
Sv 26122 | Čerčany (14:09) - Benešov u Prahy (14:18) | operates in work days |
Os 26122 | Benešov u Prahy (14:33) - Sedlčany (15:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26123 | Sedlčany (15:53) - Benešov u Prahy (16:41) | operates in work days |
Sv 26120 | Čerčany (13:17) - Benešov u Prahy (13:26) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26120 | Benešov u Prahy (13:33) - Sedlčany (14:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26119 | Sedlčany (14:39) - Benešov u Prahy (15:27) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26124 | Benešov u Prahy (15:33) - Sedlčany (16:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26125 | Sedlčany (16:39) - Benešov u Prahy (17:27) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26128 | Benešov u Prahy (17:33) - Sedlčany (18:20) | operates on workdays and Saturdays |
Os 26133 | Sedlčany (18:53) - Benešov u Prahy (19:41) | operates in work days |
Os 26134 | Benešov u Prahy (20:33) - Sedlčany (21:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26131 | Sedlčany (18:39) - Benešov u Prahy (19:27) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26132 | Benešov u Prahy (19:33) - Sedlčany (20:20) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26137 | Sedlčany (20:39) - Benešov u Prahy (21:27) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 26137 | Benešov u Prahy (21:35) - Čerčany (21:44) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 26136 | Čerčany (22:42) - Benešov u Prahy (22:51) | operates on Saturday |
Os 26136 | Benešov u Prahy (23:03) - Sedlčany (23:50) | operates on Saturday |
TS 842 / 5. day | ||
Os 26103 | Sedlčany (5:27) - Benešov u Prahy (6:15) | operates in work days |
Os 26106 | Benešov u Prahy (6:33) - Sedlčany (7:35) | operates in work days |
Os 26109 | Sedlčany (7:40) - Benešov u Prahy (8:27) | operates in work days |
Sv 26109 | Benešov u Prahy (8:39) - Čerčany (8:48) | operates in work days |
Sv 26114 | Čerčany (10:06) - Benešov u Prahy (10:14) | operates in work days |
Os 26114 | Benešov u Prahy (10:19) - Sedlčany (11:06) | operates in work days |
Os 26115 | Sedlčany (12:39) - Benešov u Prahy (13:27) | operates in work days |
Os 26120 | Benešov u Prahy (13:33) - Sedlčany (14:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26121 | Sedlčany (14:53) - Benešov u Prahy (15:41) | operates in work days |
Os 26126 | Benešov u Prahy (16:33) - Sedlčany (17:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26129 | Sedlčany (17:53) - Benešov u Prahy (18:41) | operates in work days |
Os 26132 | Benešov u Prahy (19:33) - Sedlčany (20:20) | operates in work days |
Os 26139 | Sedlčany (20:53) - Benešov u Prahy (21:41) | operates in work days |
Os 19161 | Benešov u Prahy (23:04) - Vlašim (23:39) | operates in work days |
Os 26107 | Sedlčany (6:40) - Benešov u Prahy (7:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26108 | Benešov u Prahy (7:33) - Sedlčany (8:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26111 | Sedlčany (8:39) - Benešov u Prahy (9:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26112 | Benešov u Prahy (9:33) - Sedlčany (10:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26113 | Sedlčany (10:39) - Benešov u Prahy (11:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26116 | Benešov u Prahy (11:33) - Sedlčany (12:20) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Os 26115 | Sedlčany (12:39) - Benešov u Prahy (13:27) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
Sv 26115 | Benešov u Prahy (13:39) - Čerčany (13:48) | operates on Sundays and public holidays |
TS 842 / 6. day | ||
Os 19102 | Vlašim (4:50) - Benešov u Prahy (5:26) | operates in work days |
Os 19105 | Benešov u Prahy (5:56) - Vlašim (6:33) | operates in work days |
Os 19108 | Vlašim (6:50) - Benešov u Prahy (7:26) | operates in work days |
Os 19111 | Benešov u Prahy (7:56) - Vlašim (8:33) | operates in work days |
Os 19114 | Vlašim (8:50) - Benešov u Prahy (9:26) | operates in work days |
Os 19123 | Benešov u Prahy (11:32) - Vlašim (12:08) | operates in work days |
Os 19126 | Vlašim (12:26) - Benešov u Prahy (13:02) | operates in work days |
Sv 19126 | Benešov u Prahy (13:09) - Čerčany (13:18) | operates in work days |
Os 19100 | Vlašim (4:50) - Benešov u Prahy (5:26) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 19100 | Benešov u Prahy (5:38) - Čerčany (5:47) | operates on Saturday |
Sv 19107 | Čerčany (6:29) - Benešov u Prahy (6:38) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19107 | Benešov u Prahy (6:44) - Vlašim (7:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19112 | Vlašim (8:39) - Benešov u Prahy (9:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19117 | Benešov u Prahy (9:44) - Vlašim (10:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19120 | Vlašim (10:39) - Benešov u Prahy (11:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19125 | Benešov u Prahy (11:44) - Vlašim (12:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19128 | Vlašim (12:39) - Benešov u Prahy (13:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19133 | Benešov u Prahy (13:44) - Vlašim (14:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19136 | Vlašim (14:39) - Benešov u Prahy (15:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19141 | Benešov u Prahy (15:44) - Vlašim (16:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19144 | Vlašim (16:39) - Benešov u Prahy (17:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19149 | Benešov u Prahy (17:44) - Vlašim (18:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19152 | Vlašim (18:39) - Benešov u Prahy (19:15) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19159 | Benešov u Prahy (20:44) - Vlašim (21:21) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19160 | Vlašim (22:04) - Benešov u Prahy (22:40) | operates on Saturday |
Os 19161 | Benešov u Prahy (23:04) - Vlašim (23:39) | operates on Saturday |
train | route | when goes |
TS 042 / 1. day | ||
Os 26100 | Čerčany (4:43) - Benešov u Prahy (4:56) | operates on Monday, 22. IV., 2. V., 9. V., 30. X., 18. XI., not operates from 23. to 30. XII., 3. II., 21. IV., from 30. VI. to 25. VIII., 27. X., 17. XI. |
Os 19109 | Benešov u Prahy (6:56) - Vlašim (7:33) | operates in work days, not operates from 23. XII. to 3. I., from 31. I. to 7. II., 17. IV., from 30. VI. to 29. VIII., from 27. to 28. X. |
Os 19110 | Vlašim (7:50) - Benešov u Prahy (8:26) | operates Monday to Thursday from 15. XII. to 26. VI., Monday to Thursday from 1. IX. to 13. XII., not operates from 23. XII. to 2. I., from 30. I. to 6. II., from 16. to 21. IV., 30. IV., 1. V., 7. V., 8. V., from 27. to 29. X., 17. XI. |
Os 19118 | Vlašim (9:50) - Benešov u Prahy (10:26) | operates on Friday, 30. I., 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V., not operates from 27. XII. to 3. I., from 31. I. to 7. II., 18. IV., from 4. VII. to 29. VIII. |
Sv 19118 | Benešov u Prahy (10:35) - Čerčany (10:44) | operates on Friday, 30. I., 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V., not operates from 27. XII. to 3. I., from 31. I. to 7. II., 18. IV., from 4. VII. to 29. VIII. |