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Deployment overview
TS 841 - 847: 844, 814 a 810 OCÚ střed SÚ Děčín

TS 841 (844) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 841 / 1. day
Sp 1960Děčín hl.n. (1:15) - Česká Kamenice (1:41)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6651Česká Kamenice (4:50) - Děčín hl.n. (5:19)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1963Rumburk (5:15) - Děčín hl.n. (6:19)operates in work days
Os 6650Děčín hl.n. (6:34) - Rumburk (7:49)operates daily
Os 6655Rumburk (8:06) - Děčín hl.n. (9:18)operates daily
Os 6654Děčín hl.n. (10:35) - Rumburk (11:49)operates daily
Os 6659Rumburk (12:06) - Děčín hl.n. (13:18)operates daily
Os 6658Děčín hl.n. (14:35) - Rumburk (15:49)operates daily
Os 6663Rumburk (16:09) - Děčín hl.n. (17:19)operates daily
Os 6662Děčín hl.n. (17:35) - Rumburk (18:52)operates in work days
Os 6664Děčín hl.n. (18:35) - Rumburk (19:49)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6667Rumburk (20:03) - Děčín hl.n. (21:18)operates daily
Os 6668Děčín hl.n. (22:35) - Rumburk (23:50)operates before workdays, regularly Sunday to Thursday

TS 842 (844) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 842 / 1. day
97681Dolní Poustevna (4:09) - Rumburk (4:50)operates in work days
56750Rumburk (5:10) - Velký Šenov (5:33)operates in work days
97683Velký Šenov (5:34) - Rumburk (5:59)operates in work days
97683Dolní Poustevna (5:16) - Rumburk (5:59)operates on Saturday
Os 6653Rumburk (6:06) - Děčín hl.n. (7:18)operates daily
Os 6652Děčín hl.n (8:35) - Rumburk (9:49)operates daily
Os 6657Rumburk (10:06) - Děčín hl.n. (11:18)operates daily
Os 6656Děčín hl.n. (12:35) - Rumburk (13:49)operates daily
Os 6661Rumburk (14:05) - Děčín hl.n. (15:18)operates daily
Os 6660Děčín hl.n. (16:35) - Rumburk (17:49)operates daily
Os 6665Rumburk (18:06) - Děčín hl.n. (19:18)operates daily
Os 6666Děčín hl.n. (20:35) - Rumburk (21:47)operates daily
97684Rumburk 22:21 (0:00) - Dolní Poustevna (23:03)operates before workdays, regularly Sunday to Thursday

TS 843 (844) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 843 / 1. day
Os 6651Rumburk (4:11) - Děčín hl.n. (5:19)operates in work days
Os 6670Děčín hl.n. (5:23) - Česká Kamenice (5:52)operates in work days
Os 6671Česká Kamenice (7:48) - Děčín hl.n. (8:18)operates in work days
Os 6672Děčín hl.n. (13:27) - Česká Kamenice (13:56)operates in work days
Os 6673Česká Kamenice (14:04) - Děčín hl.n. (14:34)operates in work days
Os 6674Děčín hl.n. (15:35) - Jedlová (16:24)operates in work days
Os 6675Jedlová (17:29) - Děčín hl.n. (18:18)operates in work days
Os 6664Děčín hl.n. (18:35) - Rumburk (19:49)operates in work days
Os 6667
Rumburk (20:03) - Děčín hl.n. (21:18)operates on Friday
Sp 1956Děčín hl.n. (7:56) - Moldava v Krušných horách (10:01)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1957Moldava v Krušných horách (10:49) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (12:27)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1958Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:14) - Moldava v Krušných horách (14:54)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1959Moldava v Krušných horách (15:49) - Děčín hl.n. (17:59)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6668
Děčín hl.n. (22:35) - Rumburk (23:50)operates on Sundays and public holidays

TS 844 (844) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 844 / 1. day
Os 6621Děčín hl.n. (1:19) - Česká Lípa hl.n. (1:59)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6624Česká Lípa hl.n. (5:10) - Děčín hl.n. (5:54)operates daily
Os 6605Děčín hl.n. (6:43) - Liberec (8:54)operates daily
Os 6604Liberec (9:01) - Děčín hl.n. (11:10)operates daily
Os 6611Děčín hl.n. (12:45) - Liberec (14:54)operates daily
Os 6610Liberec (15:01) - Děčín hl.n (17:10)operates daily
Os 6617Děčín hl.n. (18:45) - Liberec (20:54)operates daily
Os 6616Liberec (21:01) - Děčín hl.n. (23:09)operates daily
TS 844 / 2. day
Os 6603Děčín hl.n. (4:26) - Liberec (6:25)operates daily
Os 6602Liberec (7:03) - Děčín hl.n. (9:10)operates daily
Os 6609Děčín hl.n. (10:45) - Liberec (12:54)operates daily
Os 6608Liberec (13:01) - Děčín hl.n. (15:10)operates daily
Os 6615Děčín hl.n. (16:45) - Liberec (18:54)operates daily
Os 6614Liberec (19:01) - Děčín hl.n. (21:10)operates daily
Os 6627Děčín hl.n. (22:40) - Česká Lípa hl.n. (23:20)operates daily
Os 6628Česká Lípa hl.n. (23:32) - Děčín hl.n. (0:11)operates before Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, regularly Friday and Saturday

TS 845 (814) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 845 / 1. day
Os 6622Česká Lípa hl.n. (4:24) - Děčín hl.n. (5:07)operates in work days
Os 6623Děčín hl.n. (5:11) - Česká Lípa hl.n. (5:54)operates in work days
Os 6626Česká Lípa hl.n. (5:57) - Děčín hl.n. (6:42)operates in work days
Os 6625Děčín hl.n. (15:20) - Česká Lípa hl.n. (16:01)operates in work days

TS 846 (814) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 846 / 1. day
Sv 16191Ústí nad Labem západ (3:31) - Radejčín (4:13)operates in work days
Os 16100Radejčín (4:19) - Teplice v Čechách (5:04)operates in work days
Os 16103Teplice v Čechách (5:34) - Radejčín (6:23)operates in work days
Os 16104Radejčín (6:31) - Teplice v Čechách (7:20)operates in work days
Sv 16193Děčín hl.n. (7:43) - Teplice v Čechách (8:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16107Teplice v Čechách (8:34) - Radejčín (9:23)operates daily
Os 16108Radejčín (10:31) - Teplice v Čechách (11:20)operates daily
Os 16111Teplice v Čechách (12:34) - Radejčín (13:23)operates daily
Os 16112Radejčín (14:31) - Teplice v Čechách (15:20)operates daily
Os 16115Teplice v Čechách (16:34) - Radejčín (17:23)operates daily
Os 16116Radejčín (18:31) - Teplice v Čechách (19:20)operates daily
TS 846 / 2. day
Os 16101Teplice v Čechách (4:21) - Radejčín (5:08)operates in work days
Os 16102Radejčín (5:31) - Teplice v Čechách (6:20)operates in work days
Os 16105Teplice v Čechách (6:34) - Radejčín (7:23)operates in work days
Sv 16195Teplice v Čechách (7:47) - Radejčín (8:22)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16106Radejčín (8:31) - Teplice v Čechách (9:20)operates daily
Os 16109Teplice v Čechách (10:34) - Radejčín (11:23)operates daily
Os 16110Radejčín (12:31) - Teplice v Čechách (13:20)operates daily
Os 16113Teplice v Čechách (14:34) - Radejčín (15:23)operates daily
Os 16114Radejčín (16:31) - Teplice v Čechách (17:20)operates daily
Os 16117Teplice v Čechách (18:34) - Radejčín (19:23)operates daily
Sv 16192Radejčín (19:28) - Ústí nad Labem západ (20:06)operates before workdays, regularly Sunday to Thursday
Sv 16192Radečjčín (19:28) - Děčín hl.n. (20:49)operates before Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, regularly Friday and Saturday

TS 847 (810) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 847 / 1. day
97682Rumburk (13:58) - Dolní Poustevna (14:42)operates in work days
97685Dolní Poustevna (15:14) - Rumburk (15:59)operates in work days
Os 6669Rumburk (21:06) - Děčín hl.n. (22:23)operates before Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, regularly Friday and Saturday
Os 6668Děčín hl.n. (22:35) - Rumburk (23:50)operates before Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, regularly Friday and Saturday
TS 847 / 2. day
Os 26044Rumburk (3:51) - Varnsdorf (4:23)operates in work days
Os 26046Rumburk (4:44) - Varnsdorf (5:18)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26051Varnsdorf (5:09) - Rybniště (5:25)operates in work days
Os 26050Rybniště (5:35) - Varnsdorf (5:52)operates in work days
Os 26053Varnsdorf (5:59) - Rybniště (6:15)operates in work days
Os 26055Varnsdorf (6:29) - Rybniště (6:45)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26052Rybniště (6:37) - Varnsdorf (6:54)operates in work days
Os 26057Vransdorf (7:01) - Rybniště (7:17)operates in work days
Os 26054Rybniště (7:10) - Varnsdorf (7:27)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26056Rybniště (7:37) - Varnsdorf (7:54)operates in work days
Os 26059Varnsdorf (8:01) - Rybniště (8:18)operates in work days
Os 26061Varnsdorf (8:30) - Rybniště (8:46)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26058Rybniště (9:08) - Varnsdorf (9:25)operates daily
Os 26063Varnsdorf (10:01) - Rybniště (10:17)operates in work days
Os 26065Varnsdorf (10:33) - Rybniště (10:49)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26060Rybniště (10:37) - Varnsdorf (10:54)operates in work days
Os 26062Rybniště (11:12) - Varnsdorf (11:29)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26067Varnsdorf (12:01) - Rybniště (12:17)operates in work days
Os 26069Varnsdorf (12:27) - Rybniště (12:43)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26064Rybniště (12:37) - Varnsdorf (12:54)operates in work days
Os 26071Varnsdorf (13:01) - Rybniště (13:17)operates in work days
Os 26066Rybniště (13:09) - Varnsdorf (13:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26068Rybniště (13:37) - Varnsdorf (13:54)operates in work days
Os 26073Varnsdorf (14:01) - Rybniště (14:17)operates in work days
Os 26075Varnsdorf (14:33) - Rybniště (14:49)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26070Rybniště (15:11) - Varnsdorf (15:28)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26072Rybniště (15:37) - Varnsdorf (15:54)operates in work days
Os 26077Varnsdorf (16:06) - Rybniště (16:22)operates in work days
Os 26079Varnsdorf (16:27) - Rybniště (16:43)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26074Rybniště (17:09) - Varnsdorf (17:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26076Rybniště (17:37) - Varnsdorf (17:54)operates in work days
Os 26081Varnsdorf (18:02) - Rybniště (18:18)operates in work days
Os 26083Varnsdorf (18:34) - Rybniště (18:50)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26078Rybniště (19:12) - Varnsdorf (19:29)operates daily
Os 26085Varnsdorf (20:29) - Rybniště (20:45)operates in work days
Os 26085Varnsdorf (20:29) - Rumburk (21:01)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26080Rybniště (23:36) - Varnsdorf (21:53)operates in work days
Os 26045Varnsdorf (22:39) - Rumburk (23:10)operates in work days