december 2024
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Deployment overview
TS 403: 471 PP Praha-jih [S9, S2]

Period 15. 12. 2024 – 13. 12. 2025

TS 403 (471) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 403 / 1. day
Os 9405
Praha hl.n. (5:31) - Milovice (6:21)operates in work days
Os 9111Milovice (6:39) - Strančice (8:06)operates in work days
Os 9112
Strančice (8:21) - Praha hl.n. (8:55)operates in work days
Os 9139Praha hl.n. (14:31) - Strančice (15:06)operates in work days
Os 9140
Strančice (15:21) - Milovice (16:46)operates in work days
Os 9153Milovice (17:02) - Strančice (18:36)operates in work days
Os 9154
Strančice (18:51) - Milovice (20:16)operates in work days
Os 9436Milovice (20:51) - Praha hl.n. (21:39)operates in work days
Os 9169Praha hl.n. (21:51) - Strančice (22:26)operates in work days
Os 9162Strančice (23:01) - Praha hl.n. (23:35)operates in work days
Os 9171Praha hl.n. (23:51) - Říčany (0:18)operates in work days
TS 403 / 2. day
Os 9401Praha hl.n. (5:01) - Milovice (5:51)operates in work days
Os 9109
Milovice (6:09) - Strančice (7:36)operates in work days
Os 9110Strančice (7:51) - Praha-Horní Počernice (8:46)operates in work days
Os 9141
Praha-Horní Počernice (14:39) - Strančice (15:36)operates in work days
Os 9142Strančice (15:51) - Milovice (17:16)operates in work days
Os 9155
Milovice (17:32) - Strančice (19:06)operates in work days
Os 9156Strančice (19:21) - Praha hl.n. (19:55)operates in work days
Os 2505Praha hl.n. (4:21) - Benešov u Prahy (5:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2508Benešov u Prahy (5:35) - Praha hl.n. (6:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2515Praha hl.n. (6:51) - Benešov u Prahy (7:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2518Benešov u Prahy (8:05) - Praha hl.n. (9:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2525Praha hl.n. (9:21) - Benešov u Prahy (10:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2528Benešov u Prahy (10:35) - Praha hl.n. (11:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2535Praha hl.n. (11:51) - Benešov u Prahy (12:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2538Benešov u Prahy (13:05) - Praha hl.n. (14:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2545Praha hl.n. (14:21) - Benešov u Prahy (15:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2548Benešov u Prahy (15:35) - Praha hl.n. (16:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2555Praha hl.n. (16:51) - Benešov u Prahy (17:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2558Benešov u Prahy (18:05) - Praha hl.n. (19:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2565Praha hl.n. (19:21) - Benešov u Prahy (20:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2568Benešov u Prahy (20:35) - Praha hl.n. (21:35)operates on Saturday
Os 9169Praha hl.n. (21:51) - Strančice (22:26)operates on Saturday
Os 9162Strančice (23:01) - Praha hl.n. (23:35)operates on Saturday
Os 9171Praha hl.n. (23:51) - Říčany (0:18)operates on Saturday
TS 403 / 3. day
Os 9101Praha hl.n. (5:01) - Strančice (5:36)operates in work days
Os 9102
Strančice (5:51) - Milovice (7:21)operates in work days
Os 9115Milovice (7:39) - Strančice (9:06)operates in work days
Os 9116
Strančice (9:21) - Praha hl.n. (9:55)operates in work days
Os 9121Praha hl.n. (10:01) - Říčany (10:28)operates in work days
Os 9122Říčany (10:58) - Praha hl.n. (11:25)operates in work days
Os 9127Praha hl.n. (11:31) - Říčany (11:58)operates in work days
Os 9128Říčany (12:28) - Praha hl.n. (12:55)operates in work days
Os 9133Praha hl.n. (13:01) - Říčany (13:28)operates in work days
Os 9134
postrk Praha hl.n. - Milovice
Říčany (13:58) - Milovice (15:16)operates in work days
Os 9147Milovice (15:32) - Strančice (17:06)operates in work days
Os 9148
Strančice (17:21) - Milovice (18:46)operates in work days
Os 9161Milovice (19:02) - Říčany (20:28)operates in work days
TS 403 / 4. day
Os 9100
Říčany (5:28) - Milovice (6:51)operates in work days
Os 9113Milovice (7:09) - Strančice (8:36)operates in work days
Os 9114
Strančice (8:51) - Praha hl.n. (9:25)operates in work days
Sp 2425Praha Masarykovo nádraží (13:38) - Kolín (14:53)operates in work days
Sp 2430Kolín (14:59) - Praha Masarykovo nádraží (16:09)operates in work days
Sp 2431Praha Masarykovo nádraží (16:40) - Kolín (17:53)operates in work days
Os 5870Kolín (17:59) - Nymburk hl.n. (18:25)operates in work days
TS 403 / 5. day
Os 25607
Lysá nad Labem (4:52) - Milovice (4:58)operates in work days
Os 9105Milovice (5:09) - Strančice (6:36)operates in work days
Os 9106
Strančice (6:51) - Milovice (8:21)operates in work days
Os 9119Milovice (8:39) - Říčany (9:58)operates in work days
Os 9120
Říčany (10:28) - Praha hl.n. (10:55)operates in work days
Os 9125Praha hl.n. (11:01) - Říčany (11:28)operates in work days
Os 9126Říčany (11:58) - Praha hl.n. (12:25)operates in work days
Os 9131Praha hl.n. (12:31) - Říčany (12:58)operates in work days
Os 9132
postrk Praha hl.n. - Milovice
Říčany (13:28) - Milovice (14:46)operates in work days
Os 9145Milovice (15:02) - Strančice (16:36)operates in work days
Os 9146
Strančice (16:51) - Milovice (18:16)operates in work days
Os 9159Milovice (18:32) - Strančice (20:06)operates in work days
Os 2568
Strančice (21:01) - Praha hl.n. (21:35)operates in work days
TS 403 / 6. day
Os 9101
Praha hl.n. (5:01) - Strančice (5:36)operates in work days
Os 9102Strančice (5:51) - Milovice (7:21)operates in work days
Os 9115
Milovice (7:39) - Strančice (9:06)operates in work days
Os 9116Strančice (9:21) - Praha hl.n. (9:55)operates in work days
Os 2547Praha hl.n. (14:51) - Benešov u Prahy (15:53)operates in work days
Os 2550
Benešov u Prahy (16:05) - Praha hl.n. (17:05)operates in work days
Os 2557Praha hl.n. (17:21) - Benešov u Prahy (18:23)operates in work days
Os 2560
Benešov u Prahy (18:35) - Praha hl.n. (19:35)operates in work days
Os 2567Praha hl.n. (19:51) - Benešov u Prahy (20:53)operates in work days
Os 2570Benešov u Prahy (21:05) - Praha hl.n. (22:05)operates in work days
Os 5859Praha hl.n. (22:16) - Nymburk hl.n. (23:12)operates in work days
TS 403 / 7. day
Os 5871Nymburk hl.n. (4:20) - Kolín (4:46)operates in work days
Sp 2422Kolín (4:59) - Praha Masarykovo nádraží (6:09)operates in work days
Sp 2423Praha Masarykovo nádraží (6:38) - Kolín (7:53)operates in work days
Sp 2428Kolín (7:59) - Praha Masarykovo nádraží (9:14)operates in work days
Sp 2479Praha hl.n. (14:17) - Benešov u Prahy (15:06)operates in work days
Os 2548
Benešov u Prahy (15:35) - Praha hl.n. (16:35)operates in work days
Os 2555Praha hl.n. (16:51) - Benešov u Prahy (17:53)operates in work days
Os 2558
Benešov u Prahy (18:05) - Praha hl.n. (19:05)operates in work days
Os 2565Praha hl.n. (19:21) - Benešov u Prahy (20:23)operates in work days
Os 2507Praha hl.n. (4:51) - Benešov u Prahy (5:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2510Benešov u Prahy (6:05) - Praha hl.n. (7:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2517Praha hl.n. (7:21) - Benešov u Prahy (8:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2520Strančice (9:01) - Praha hl.n. (9:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2527Praha hl.n. (9:51) - Benešov u Prahy (10:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2530Benešov u Prahy (11:05) - Praha hl.n. (12:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2537Praha hl.n. (12:21) - Benešov u Prahy (13:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2540Benešov u Prahy (13:35) - Praha hl.n. (14:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2547Praha hl.n. (14:51) - Benešov u Prahy (15:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2550Benešov u Prahy (16:05) - Praha hl.n. (17:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2557Praha hl.n. (17:21) - Benešov u Prahy (18:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2560Benešov u Prahy (18:35) - Praha hl.n. (19:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2567Praha hl.n. (19:51) - Benešov u Prahy (20:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2570Benešov u Prahy (21:05) - Praha hl.n. (22:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2573Praha hl.n. (22:21) - Benešov u Prahy (23:23)operates on Saturday
TS 403 / 8. day
Os 2505Praha hl.n. (4:21) - Benešov u Prahy (5:23)operates on Monday
Os 2508
Benešov u Prahy (5:35) - Praha hl.n. (6:35)operates in work days
Os 2515Praha hl.n. (6:51) - Benešov u Prahy (7:53)operates in work days
Os 2518
Benešov u Prahy (8:05) - Praha hl.n. (9:05)operates in work days
Os 2543Praha hl.n. (13:51) - Benešov u Prahy (14:53)operates in work days
Os 2546
Benešov u Prahy (15:05) - Praha hl.n. (16:05)operates in work days
Os 2553Praha hl.n. (16:21) - Benešov u Prahy (17:23)operates in work days
Os 2556
Benešov u Prahy (17:35) - Praha hl.n. (18:35)operates in work days
Os 2563Praha hl.n. (18:51) - Benešov u Prahy (19:53)operates in work days
Os 2502Benešov u Prahy (4:05) - Praha hl.n. (5:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2509Praha hl.n. (5:21) - Benešov u Prahy (6:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2512Benešov u Prahy (6:35) - Praha hl.n. (7:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2519Praha hl.n. (7:51) - Strančice (8:25)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2520Strančice (9:01) - Praha hl.n. (9:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2527Praha hl.n. (9:51) - Benešov u Prahy (10:53)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2530Benešov u Prahy (11:05) - Praha hl.n. (12:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2537Praha hl.n. (12:21) - Benešov u Prahy (13:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2540Benešov u Prahy (13:35) - Praha hl.n. (14:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2547Praha hl.n. (14:51) - Benešov u Prahy (15:53)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2550Benešov u Prahy (16:05) - Praha hl.n. (17:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2557Praha hl.n. (17:21) - Benešov u Prahy (18:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2560Benešov u Prahy (18:35) - Praha hl.n. (19:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2567Praha hl.n. (19:51) - Benešov u Prahy (20:53)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2570Benešov u Prahy (21:05) - Praha hl.n. (22:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2573Praha hl.n. (22:21) - Benešov u Prahy (23:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
TS 403 / 9. day
Os 2502Benešov u Prahy (4:05) - Praha hl.n. (5:05)operates in work days
Os 2509Praha hl.n. (5:21) - Benešov u Prahy (6:23)operates in work days
Os 2512Benešov u Prahy (6:35) - Praha hl.n. (7:35)operates in work days
Os 2519
Praha hl.n. (7:51) - Benešov u Prahy (8:53)operates in work days
Os 2522Benešov u Prahy (9:05) - Praha hl.n. (10:05)operates in work days
Os 2529Praha hl.n. (10:21) - Benešov u Prahy (11:23)operates in work days
Os 2534Benešov u Prahy (12:05) - Praha hl.n. (13:05)operates in work days
Os 2541Praha hl.n. (13:21) - Benešov u Prahy (14:23)operates in work days
Os 2544Benešov u Prahy (14:35) - Praha hl.n. (15:35)operates in work days
Os 2551
Praha hl.n. (15:51) - Benešov u Prahy (16:53)operates in work days
Os 2554Benešov u Prahy (17:05) - Praha hl.n. (18:05)operates in work days
Os 2561
Praha hl.n. (18:21) - Benešov u Prahy (19:23)operates in work days
Os 2564Benešov u Prahy (19:35) - Praha hl.n. (20:35)operates in work days
Os 9167Praha hl.n. (21:01) - Říčany (21:28)operates in work days
TS 403 / 10. day
Os 9405Praha hl.n. (5:31) - Milovice (6:21)operates in work days
Os 9111
Milovice (6:39) - Strančice (8:06)operates in work days
Os 9112Strančice (8:21) - Praha hl.n. (8:55)operates in work days
Os 9139
Praha hl.n. (14:31) - Strančice (15:06)operates in work days
Os 9140Strančice (15:21) - Milovice (16:46)operates in work days
Os 9153
Milovice (17:02) - Strančice (18:36)operates in work days
Os 9154Strančice (18:51) - Milovice (20:16)operates in work days
Os 9436
Milovice (20:51) - Praha hl.n. (21:39)operates in work days
Os 2573Praha hl.n. (22:21) - Benešov u Prahy (23:23)operates in work days
TS 403 / 11. day
Os 2506Benešov u Prahy (5:05) - Praha hl.n. (6:05)operates on workdays and Saturdays
Os 2513Praha hl.n. (6:21) - Benešov u Prahy (7:23)operates on workdays and Saturdays
Os 2516Benešov u Prahy (7:35) - Praha hl.n. (8:35)operates on workdays and Saturdays
Os 2543
Praha hl.n. (13:51) - Benešov u Prahy (14:53)operates in work days
Os 2508Strančice (6:01) - Praha hl.n. (6:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2515Praha hl.n. (6:51) - Strančice (7:25)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2516Strančice (8:01) - Praha hl.n. (8:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2523Praha hl.n. (8:51) - Benešov u Prahy (9:53)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2526Benešov u Prahy (10:05) - Praha hl.n. (11:05)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2533Praha hl.n. (11:21) - Benešov u Prahy (12:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2536Benešov u Prahy (12:35) - Praha hl.n. (13:35)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2543Praha hl.n. (13:51) - Benešov u Prahy (14:53)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2546Benešov u Prahy (15:05) - Praha hl.n. (16:05)operates daily
Os 2553
Praha hl.n. (16:21) - Benešov u Prahy (17:23)operates in work days
Os 2553Praha hl.n. (16:21) - Benešov u Prahy (17:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2556Benešov u Prahy (17:35) - Praha hl.n. (18:35)operates daily
Os 2563
Praha hl.n. (18:51) - Benešov u Prahy (19:53)operates in work days
Os 2563Praha hl.n. (18:51) - Benešov u Prahy (19:53)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2566Benešov u Prahy (20:05) - Praha hl.n. (21:05)operates daily
Os 2571Praha hl.n. (21:21) - Benešov u Prahy (22:23)operates daily
Os 2574Benešov u Prahy (23:05) - Praha hl.n. (0:05)operates daily
TS 403 / 12. day
Os 2501Praha hl.n. (0:30) - Benešov u Prahy (1:31)operates daily
Os 2514
Benešov u Prahy (7:05) - Praha hl.n. (8:05)operates in work days
Os 2504Benešov u Prahy (4:35) - Praha hl.n. (5:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2511Praha hl.n. (5:51) - Benešov u Prahy (6:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2514Benešov u Prahy (7:05) - Praha hl.n. (8:05)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2521Praha hl.n. (8:21) - Benešov u Prahy (9:23)operates daily
Os 2542
Benešov u Prahy (14:05) - Praha hl.n. (15:05)operates in work days
Os 2549Praha hl.n. (15:21) - Benešov u Prahy (16:23)operates in work days
Os 2552
Benešov u Prahy (16:35) - Praha hl.n. (17:35)operates in work days
Os 2559Praha hl.n. (17:51) - Benešov u Prahy (18:53)operates in work days
Os 2524Benešov u Prahy (9:35) - Praha hl.n. (10:35)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2531Praha hl.n. (10:51) - Benešov u Prahy (11:53)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2534Benešov u Prahy (12:05) - Praha hl.n. (13:05)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2541Praha hl.n. (13:21) - Benešov u Prahy (14:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2544Benešov u Prahy (14:35) - Praha hl.n. (15:35)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2551Praha hl.n. (15:51) - Benešov u Prahy (16:53)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2554Benešov u Prahy (17:05) - Praha hl.n. (18:05)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2561Praha hl.n. (18:21) - Benešov u Prahy (19:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2564Benešov u Prahy (19:35) - Praha hl.n. (20:35)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 9165Praha hl.n. (20:51) - Strančice (21:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 9160Strančice (22:01) - Praha hl.n. (22:35)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2575Praha hl.n. (22:51) - Strančice (23:25)operates on Saturday
Os 2575Praha hl.n. (22:51) - Benešov u Prahy (23:53)operates on Sundays and public holidays
TS 403 / 13. day
Os 2516
Benešov u Prahy (7:35) - Praha hl.n. (8:35)operates in work days
Os 2523Praha hl.n. (8:51) - Strančice (9:25)operates in work days
Os 2524Strančice (10:01) - Praha hl.n. (10:35)operates in work days
Os 2531Praha hl.n. (10:51) - Strančice (11:25)operates in work days
Os 2532Strančice (12:01) - Praha hl.n. (12:35)operates in work days
Os 2502Benešov u Prahy (4:05) - Praha hl.n. (5:05)operates on Saturday
Os 2509Praha hl.n. (5:21) - Benešov u Prahy (6:23)operates on Saturday
Os 2512Benešov u Prahy (6:35) - Praha hl.n. (7:35)operates on Saturday
Os 2519Praha hl.n. (7:51) - Benešov u Prahy (8:53)operates on Saturday
Os 2505Praha hl.n. (4:21) - Benešov u Prahy (5:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2510Benešov u Prahy (6:05) - Praha hl.n. (7:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2517Praha hl.n. (7:21) - Benešov u Prahy (8:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2522Benešov u Prahy (9:05) - Praha hl.n. (10:05)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2529Praha hl.n. (10:21) - Benešov u Prahy (11:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2532Benešov u Prahy (11:35) - Praha hl.n. (12:35)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2539Praha hl.n. (12:51) - Benešov u Prahy (13:53)operates daily
Os 2542Benešov u Prahy (14:05) - Praha hl.n. (15:05)operates daily
Os 2549
Praha hl.n. (15:21) - Benešov u Prahy (16:23)operates in work days
Os 2549Praha hl.n. (15:21) - Benešov u Prahy (16:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2552Benešov u Prahy (16:35) - Praha hl.n. (17:35)operates daily
Os 2559
Praha hl.n. (17:51) - Benešov u Prahy (18:53)operates in work days
Os 2559Praha hl.n. (17:51) - Benešov u Prahy (18:53)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 2562Benešov u Prahy (19:05) - Praha hl.n. (20:05)operates daily
Os 2569Praha hl.n. (20:21) - Benešov u Prahy (21:23)operates daily
Os 2572Benešov u Prahy (22:05) - Praha hl.n. (23:05)operates daily
Os 2577Praha hl.n. (23:21) - Benešov u Prahy (0:23)operates daily
TS 403 / 14. day
Os 2512
Benešov u Prahy (6:35) - Praha hl.n. (7:35)operates in work days
Os 2519Praha hl.n. (7:51) - Benešov u Prahy (8:53)operates in work days
Os 2544
Benešov u Prahy (14:35) - Praha hl.n. (15:35)operates in work days
Os 2551Praha hl.n. (15:51) - Benešov u Prahy (16:53)operates in work days
Os 2554
Benešov u Prahy (17:05) - Praha hl.n. (18:05)operates in work days
Os 2561Praha hl.n. (18:21) - Benešov u Prahy (19:23)operates in work days
Os 2564
Benešov u Prahy (19:35) - Praha hl.n. (20:35)operates in work days
Os 9165Praha hl.n. (20:51) - Strančice (21:26)operates in work days
Os 9160Strančice (22:01) - Praha hl.n. (22:35)operates in work days
Os 2575Praha hl.n. (22:51) - Strančice (23:25)operates in work days
Os 2506Benešov u Prahy (5:05) - Praha hl.n. (6:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2513Praha hl.n. (6:21) - Benešov u Prahy (7:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2518Benešov u Prahy (8:05) - Praha hl.n. (9:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2525Praha hl.n. (9:21) - Benešov u Prahy (10:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2528Benešov u Prahy (10:35) - Praha hl.n. (11:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2535Praha hl.n. (11:51) - Benešov u Prahy (12:53)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2538Benešov u Prahy (13:05) - Praha hl.n. (14:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2545Praha hl.n. (14:21) - Benešov u Prahy (15:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2548Benešov u Prahy (15:35) - Praha hl.n. (16:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2555Praha hl.n. (16:51) - Benešov u Prahy (17:53)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2558Benešov u Prahy (18:05) - Praha hl.n. (19:05)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2565Praha hl.n. (19:21) - Benešov u Prahy (20:23)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 2568Benešov u Prahy (20:35) - Praha hl.n. (21:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 9169Praha hl.n. (21:51) - Strančice (22:26)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 9162Strančice (23:01) - Praha hl.n. (23:35)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 9171Praha hl.n. (23:51) - Říčany (0:18)operates on Sundays and public holidays
TS 403 / 15. day
Os 2505
Praha hl.n. (4:21) - Benešov u Prahy (5:23)operates on Monday
Os 2505Praha hl.n. (4:21) - Benešov u Prahy (5:23)operates Tuesday to Friday
Os 2508Benešov u Prahy (5:35) - Praha hl.n. (6:35)operates in work days
Os 2515
Praha hl.n. (6:51) - Benešov u Prahy (7:53)operates in work days
Os 2518Benešov u Prahy (8:05) - Praha hl.n. (9:05)operates in work days
Os 2545Praha hl.n. (14:21) - Benešov u Prahy (15:23)operates in work days
Os 2548Benešov u Prahy (15:35) - Praha hl.n. (16:35)operates in work days
Os 2555
Praha hl.n. (16:51) - Benešov u Prahy (17:53)operates in work days
Os 2558Benešov u Prahy (18:05) - Praha hl.n. (19:05)operates in work days
Os 2565
Praha hl.n. (19:21) - Benešov u Prahy (20:23)operates in work days
TS 403 / 16. day
Os 2504Benešov u Prahy (4:35) - Praha hl.n. (5:35)operates in work days
Os 2511Praha hl.n. (5:51) - Benešov u Prahy (6:53)operates in work days
Os 2514Benešov u Prahy (7:05) - Praha hl.n. (8:05)operates in work days
Os 2521
Praha hl.n. (8:21) - Benešov u Prahy (9:23)operates in work days
Os 2526Benešov u Prahy (10:05) - Praha hl.n. (11:05)operates in work days
Os 9417Praha hl.n. (11:16) - Milovice (12:03)operates in work days
Os 25620Milovice (12:16) - Lysá nad Labem (12:22)operates in work days
Os 25627Lysá nad Labem (12:33) - Milovice (12:39)operates in work days
Os 9420Milovice (12:51) - Praha hl.n. (13:39)operates in work days
Os 9132Praha hl.n. (14:00) - Milovice (14:50)operates in work days
Os 9145
Milovice (15:02) - Strančice (16:36)operates in work days
Os 9146Strančice (16:51) - Milovice (18:16)operates in work days
Os 9159
Milovice (18:32) - Strančice (20:06)operates in work days
Os 2568Strančice (21:01) - Praha hl.n. (21:35)operates in work days
TS 403 / 17. day
Os 9401
Praha hl.n. (5:01) - Milovice (5:51)operates in work days
Os 9109Milovice (6:09) - Strančice (7:36)operates in work days
Os 9110
Strančice (7:51) - Praha-Horní Počernice (8:46)operates in work days
Os 9141Praha-Horní Počernice (14:39) - Strančice (15:36)operates in work days
Os 9142
Strančice (15:51) - Milovice (17:16)operates in work days
Os 9155Milovice (17:32) - Strančice (19:06)operates in work days
Os 9156
Strančice (19:21) - Praha hl.n. (19:55)operates in work days