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Deployment overview
RegioJet: 162 R23 Kolín - Ústí nad Labem

R23 (162) #

trainroutewhen goes
R23 / 1. day
R 1301Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (4:41) - Kolín (6:40)operates daily
R 1300Kolín (7:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (9:17)operates daily
R 1307Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (10:36) - Kolín (12:40)operates daily
R 1306Kolín (13:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (15:17)operates daily
R 1313Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (16:36) - Kolín (18:40)operates daily
R 1312Kolín (19:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (21:17)operates daily
R23 / 2. day
R 1303Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (6:36) - Kolín (8:40)operates daily
R 1302Kolín (9:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (11:17)operates daily
R 1309Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (12:36) - Kolín (14:40)operates daily
R 1308Kolín (15:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:17)operates daily
R 1315Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (18:36) - Kolín (20:40)operates daily
R 1314Kolín (21:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (23:11)operates daily
R23 / 3. day
R 1305Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (8:36) - Kolín (10:40)operates daily
R 1304Kolín (11:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:17)operates daily
R 1311Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:36) - Kolín (16:40)operates daily
R 1310Kolín (17:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (19:17)operates daily

Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji (654) #

trainroutewhen goes
Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji / 1. day
Os 6500Žatec západ (4:31) - Most (5:12)operates in work days
Os 16505Most (5:21) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (6:24)operates in work days
Os 16504Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (6:30) - Most (7:26)operates in work days
Os 6507Most (7:42) - Žatec západ (8:25)operates in work days
Os 6508Žatec západ (9:30) - Most (10:13)operates in work days
Os 6511Most (11:42) - Žatec západ (12:25)operates in work days
Os 6512Žatec západ (12:30) - Most (13:13)operates in work days
Os 6515Most (13:42) - Žatec západ (14:25)operates in work days
Os 6516Žatec západ (14:30) - Most (15:13)operates in work days
Os 16521Most (15:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (16:24)operates in work days
Os 16520Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (16:30) - Bílina (17:14)operates in work days
Os 16525Bílina (17:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (18:23)operates in work days
Os 16524Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (18:30) - Bílina (19:14)operates in work days
Os 6481Bílina (20:38) - Štětí (22:11)operates in work days
Os 16501Most (4:03) - Děčín hl.n. (5:28)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 1. I.
Os 16504Děčín hl.n. (5:53) - Most (7:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 1. I.
Os 6507Most (7:42) - Žatec západ (8:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6508Žatec západ (9:30) - Most (10:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16513Most (10:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (11:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16512Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (12:30) - Most (13:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6515Most (13:42) - Žatec západ (14:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6518Žatec západ (15:30) - Most (16:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16523Most (16:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16524Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (18:30) - Most (19:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os 6527Most (19:42) - Žatec západ (20:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6530Žatec západ (22:23) - Most (23:04)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1319Most (23:09) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (23:50)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji / 2. day
Os 6480Štětí (4:01) - Ústí nad Labem západ (4:47)operates in work days
Os 6482Štětí (4:16) - Ústí nad Labem západ (5:02)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 1. I.
Os 6460Ústí nad Labem západ (5:07) - Děčín hl.n. (5:54)operates daily, not 25. XII. a 1. I.
Os 6461Děčín hl.n. (6:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (6:47)operates daily, not 25. XII. a 1. I.
Os 6462Ústí nad Labem západ (7:08) - Děčín hl.n. (7:54)operates daily
Os 6463Děčín hl.n. (8:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (8:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, in work days from 10. XII. to 1. III., in work days from 19. VIII. to 13. XII.
Os 6479Děčín hl.n. (8:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (8:57)operates in work days from 4. III. to 16. VIII.
Os 6464Ústí nad Labem západ (9:08) - Děčín hl.n. (9:54)operates daily
Os 6465Děčín hl.n. (10:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (10:47)operates daily
Os 6466Ústí nad Labem západ (11:08) - Děčín hl.n. (11:54)operates daily
Os 6467Děčín hl.n. (12:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (12:47)operates daily
Os 6468Ústí nad Labem západ (13:08) - Děčín hl.n. (13:54)operates daily
Os 6469Děčín hl.n. (14:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (14:47)operates daily
Os 6470Ústí nad Labem západ (15:08) - Děčín hl.n. (15:54)operates daily
Os 6471Děčín hl.n. (16:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (16:47)operates daily
Os 6472Ústí nad Labem západ (17:08) - Děčín hl.n. (17:54)operates daily
Os 6473Děčín hl.n. (18:00) - Ústí nad Labem západ (18:47)operates daily
Os 6474Ústí nad Labem západ (19:08) - Děčín hl.n. (19:54)operates daily, not 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os 6560Děčín hl.n. (22:25) - Ústí nad Labem západ (22:53)operates daily, not 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os 16528Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (23:04) - Most (0:00)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji / 3. day
Os 16500Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (4:28) - Most (5:24)operates in work days
Os 6503Most (5:42) - Žatec západ (6:25)operates in work days
Os 6504Žatec západ (6:30) - Most (7:23)operates in work days
Os 16509Most (7:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (8:24)operates in work days
Os 16508Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (8:30) - Bílina (9:14)operates in work days
Os 16513Bílina (10:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (11:24)operates in work days
Os 16512Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (12:30) - Bílina (13:14)operates in work days
Os 16517Bílina (13:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:24)operates in work days
Os 16516Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:30) - Most (15:26)operates in work days
Os 6519Most (15:42) - Žatec západ (16:25)operates in work days
Os 6520Žatec západ (16:30) - Most (17:13)operates in work days
Os 6523Most (17:42) - Žatec západ (18:25)operates in work days
Os 6524Žatec západ (18:30) - Most (19:13)operates in work days
Os 6527Most (19:42) - Žatec západ (20:25)operates in work days
Os 6528Žatec západ (21:13) - Most (21:57)operates in work days
Os 6531Most (22:16) - Žatec západ (22:58)operates in work days
Os 16500Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (4:28) - Most (5:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 1. I.
Os 6503Most (5:42) - Žatec západ (6:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6506Žatec západ (7:30) - Most (8:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16511Most (8:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (9:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16510Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (10:30) - Most (11:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6511Most (11:42) - Žatec západ (12:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6514Žatec západ (13:30) - Most (14:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16519Most (14:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (15:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16520Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (16:30) - Most (17:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6523Most (17:42) - Žatec západ (18:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6526Žatec západ (19:30) - Most (20:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6483Most (20:28) - Štětí (22:11)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji / 4. day
Os 16601Kadaň (3:38) - Most (4:11)operates in work days
Sv 16601Most (4:19) - Louka u Litvínova (4:35) - Litvínov (5:20)operates in work days
Os 16551Litvínov (5:26) - Teplice v Čechách (5:45)operates in work days
Os 16552Teplice v Čechách (6:00) - Litvínov (6:20)operates in work days
Os 16553Litvínov (6:26) - Teplice v Čechách (6:45)operates in work days
Os 16554Teplice v Čechách (7:00) - Litvínov (7:20)operates in work days
Os 16555Litvínov (7:26) - Teplice v Čechách (7:45)operates in work days
Sv 16590Teplice v Čechách (7:55) - Bílina (8:05)operates in work days
Os 16511Bílina (8:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (9:24)operates in work days
Os 16510Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (10:30) - Bílina (11:14)operates in work days
Os 16515Bílina (12:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:24)operates in work days
Os 16514Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:30) - Most (14:26)operates in work days
Os 6517Most (14:42) - Žatec západ (15:25)operates in work days
Os 6518Žatec západ (15:30) - Most (16:13)operates in work days
Os 6521Most (16:42) - Žatec západ (17:25)operates in work days
Os 6522Žatec západ (17:30) - Most (18:13)operates in work days
Os 6525Most (18:42) - Žatec západ (19:25)operates in work days
Os 6526Žatec západ (19:30) - Most (20:13)operates in work days
Os 6529Most (21:08) - Žatec západ (21:49)operates in work days
Os 6530Žatec západ (22:23) - Most (23:04)operates in work days
Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji / 5. day
Os 6550Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (3:50) - Most (4:37)operates in work days
Os 6501Most (4:42) - Žatec západ (5:25)operates in work days
Os 6502Žatec západ (5:30) - Most (6:13)operates in work days
Os 6505Most (6:42) - Žatec západ (7:25)operates in work days
Os 6506Žatec západ (7:30) - Most (8:13)operates in work days
Os 6509Most (9:42) - Žatec západ (10:25)operates in work days
Os 6510Žatec západ (11:30) - Most (12:13)operates in work days
Os 6513Most (12:42) - Žatec západ (13:25)operates in work days
Os 6514Žatec západ (13:30) - Most (14:13)operates in work days
Os 16519Most (14:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (15:24)operates in work days
Os 16518Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (15:30) - Bílina (16:14)operates in work days
Os 16523Bílina (16:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:24)operates in work days
Os 16522Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:30) - Bílina (18:14)operates in work days
Os 16527Bílina (18:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (19:24)operates in work days
Os 16526Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (20:30) - Bílina (21:14)operates in work days
Os 16529Bílina (22:14) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (22:57)operates in work days
Os 16528Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (23:04) - Most (0:00)operates in work days
Os 6502Žatec západ (5:30) - Most (6:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16507Most (6:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (7:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16508Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (8:30) - Most (9:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6509Most (9:42) - Žatec západ (10:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6510Žatec západ (11:30) - Most (12:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16515Most (12:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16516Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:30) - Most (15:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6519Most (15:42) - Žatec západ (16:25)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6522Žatec západ (17:30) - Most (18:13)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16527Most (18:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (19:24)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 31. XII.
Os 16526Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (20:30) - Most (21:26)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 24. XII., 31. XII.
Os 6531Most (22:16) - Žatec západ (22:58)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os vlaky v Ústeckém kraji / 6. day
Os 16631Kadaň (5:38) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (5:45)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 1. I.
Os 16630Kadaň-Prunéřov (6:41) - Kadaň (6:47)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 25. XII., 1. I.
Os 16603Kadaň (7:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (7:51)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16600Kadaň-Prunéřov (8:06) - Kadaň (8:12)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 16503Most (4:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (5:24)operates in work days
Os 16502Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (5:30) - Bílina (6:14)operates in work days
Os 16507Bílina (6:38) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (7:24)operates in work days
Os 16506Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (7:30) - Most (8:26)operates in work days
Os 16602Chomutov (8:57) - Kadaň (9:12)operates in work days
Os 16605Kadaň (9:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (9:51)operates daily
Os 16604Kadaň-Prunéřov (10:06) - Kadaň (10:12)operates daily
Os 16607Kadaň (11:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (11:51)operates daily
Os 16606Kadaň-Prunéřov (12:06) - Kadaň (12:12)operates daily
Os 16609Kadaň (12:52) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (12:59)operates in work days
Os 16608Kadaň-Prunéřov (13:06) - Kadaň (13:12)operates in work days
Os 16611Kadaň (13:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (13:51)operates daily
Os 16610Kadaň-Prunéřov (14:06) - Kadaň (14:12)operates daily
Os 16613Kadaň (14:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (14:51)operates in work days
Os 16612Kadaň-Prunéřov (15:06) - Kadaň (15:12)operates in work days
Os 16615Kadaň (15:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (15:51)operates daily
Os 16614Kadaň-Prunéřov (16:06) - Kadaň (16:12)operates daily
Os 16617Kadaň (16:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (16:51)operates in work days
Os 16616Kadaň-Prunéřov (17:06) - Kadaň (17:12)operates in work days
Os 16619Kadaň (17:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (17:51)operates daily
Os 16618Kadaň-Prunéřov (18:06) - Kadaň (18:12)operates daily
Os 16621Kadaň (18:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (18:51)operates in work days
Os 16620Kadaň-Prunéřov (19:06) - Kadaň (19:12)operates in work days
Os 16623Kadaň (19:44) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (19:51)operates daily
Os 16622Kadaň-Prunéřov (20:06) - Kadaň (20:12)operates daily
Os 16625Kadaň (21:52) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (21:59)operates daily
Os 16624Kadaň-Prunéřov (22:06) - Kadaň (22:12)operates daily
Os 16627Kadaň (23:12) - Chomutov (23:28)operates daily
Os 16626Chomutov (23:34) - Kadaň (23:50)operates daily