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Deployment overview
Arriva: 845 R14 Pardubice - Liberec - Ústí nad Labem

Period 11. 12. 2022 – 9. 12. 2023

R14 (845) #

trainroutewhen goes
R14 / 1. day
R 1063Liberec (6:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (8:55)operates daily
R 1064Pardubice hl.n. (9:05) - Liberec (11:53)operates daily
R 1328Liberec (12:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:28)operates daily
R 1331Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (15:27) - Liberec (17:27)operates daily
R 1075Liberec (18:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (20:55)operates daily
R 1076Pardubice hl.n. (21:05) - Liberec (23:57)operates daily
R14 / 2. day
R 1061Liberec (4:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (6:51)operates daily
R 1062Pardubice hl.n. (7:05) - Liberec (9:53)operates daily
R 1326Liberec (10:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (12:28)operates daily
R 1329Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:27) - Liberec (15:27)operates daily
R 1073Liberec (16:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (18:55)operates daily
R 1074Pardubice hl.n. (19:05) - Liberec (21:51)operates daily
R14 / 3. day
R 1322Liberec (6:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (8:28)operates daily
R 1325Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (9:27) - Liberec (11:27)operates daily
R 1069Liberec (12:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (14:55)operates daily
R 1070Pardubice hl.n. (15:05) - Liberec (17:53)operates daily
R 1334Liberec (18:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (20:28)operates daily
R 1337Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (21:23) - Liberec (23:31)operates daily
R14 / 4. day
R 1320Liberec (4:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (6:28)operates on workdays and Saturdays
R 1323Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (7:27) - Liberec (9:27)operates daily
R 1067Liberec (10:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (12:55)operates daily
R 1068Pardubice hl.n. (13:05) - Liberec (15:53)operates daily
R 1332Liberec (16:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (18:28)operates daily
R 1335Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (19:27) - Liberec (21:27)operates daily
R14 / 5. day
R 1321Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (5:27) - Liberec (7:28)operates on workdays and Saturdays
R 1065Liberec (8:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (10:55)operates daily
R 1066Pardubice hl.n. (11:05) - Liberec (13:55)operates daily
R 1330Liberec (14:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (16:28)operates daily
R 1333Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:27) - Liberec (19:27)operates daily
R 1077Liberec (20:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (22:47)operates daily
R14 / 6. day
R 1060Pardubice hl.n. (5:05) - Liberec (7:54)operates daily
R 1324Liberec (8:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (10:28)operates daily
R 1327Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (11:27) - Liberec (13:27)operates daily
R 1071Liberec (14:05) - Pardubice hl.n. (16:55)operates daily
R 1072Pardubice hl.n. (17:05) - Liberec (19:53)operates daily
R 1336Liberec (20:28) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (22:24)operates daily