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Přehled nasazení - october 2019
 TS 805 a 806: 854 + 954 OCÚ východ SÚ Brno-Horní Heršpice

plan for
14. 12.:
TS 805 (854 + 054 + 954)TS 806 (854 + 054 + 954)day
1. day2. day3. day1. day2. day3. day
tue 1. 10.          tue 1. 10.
wed 2. 10.854.024 + 954.305   854.030 + 954.225 854.206 + 954.304   wed 2. 10.
thu 3. 10.854.030 + 954.225   854.222 + 954.201   854.201 + 954.302 thu 3. 10.
fri 4. 10. 854.222 + 954.201 854.203 + 954.203   fri 4. 10.
sat 5. 10.     854.203 + 954.203 [1] sat 5. 10.
sun 6. 10.        sun 6. 10.
mon 7. 10.        854.206 + 954.304 mon 7. 10.
tue 8. 10.  854.030 + 954.225       854.206 + 954.304 tue 8. 10.
wed 9. 10.    854.026 + 954.301   wed 9. 10.
thu 10. 10. 854.024     854.206 + 954.304 thu 10. 10.
fri 11. 10.    854.201 + 954.302 854.206 + 954.304 fri 11. 10.
sat 12. 10.       854.201 + 954.302 sat 12. 10.
sun 13. 10.    754.043
  854.201 + 954.302 sun 13. 10.
mon 14. 10.       854.026 + 954.201 mon 14. 10.
tue 15. 10.    854.206 + 954.304 tue 15. 10.
wed 16. 10.      854.201 + 954.302 wed 16. 10.
thu 17. 10.

    854.012 + 954.223 854.026 + 954.201 854.201 + 954.302 thu 17. 10.

fri 18. 10.

854.012 + 954.223 854.216 + 954.202 854.024 + 954.305   854.026 + 954.201 fri 18. 10.

sat 19. 10.

854.201 + 954.302   sat 19. 10.

sun 20. 10.

854.206 + 954.202 854.024 + 954.305     sun 20. 10.

mon 21. 10.

  854.012 + 954.305 854.007 + 954.301   mon 21. 10.

tue 22. 10.

854.012 + 954.305   854.033 + 954.202   854.201 + 954.302 854.206 + 954.304 tue 22. 10.

wed 23. 10.

  854.013 + 954.301 wed 23. 10.

thu 24. 10.

  thu 24. 10.

fri 25. 10.  854.033 + 954.202 854.222 + 954.305   854.206 + 954.304 fri 25. 10.
sat 26. 10.       sat 26. 10.
sun 27. 10. 854.025     sun 27. 10.
mon 28. 10. 854.033 + 954.202     854.013 + 954.301 854.012 + 954.302 mon 28. 10.
tue 29. 10.854.206 + 954.224 854.033 + 954.202   tue 29. 10.
wed 30. 10.854.033 + 954.202 [6]   854.012 + 954.302   wed 30. 10.
thu 31. 10.854.025 + 954.308 [7] 854.033 + 954.202 [8]   854.013 + 954.301 thu 31. 10.
plan for
14. 12.:
1. day2. day3. day1. day2. day3. day
TS 805 (854 + 054 + 954)TS 806 (854 + 054 + 954)

[1]train 4810: 854.203 + 954.203
[2]train 4114: 754.043
train 4119: 854.216
[3]výluka Brno hl.n. - Zastávka u Brna (od 8:10)
[4]výluka Brno hl.n. - Zastávka u Brna
[5]výluka Brno hl.n. - Zastávka u Brna (do 15:40)
[6]train 4108: 854.033 + 954.202
[7]train 4115: The entry was a mistake. It should have been for 1.11.. Sorry, please delete the entry.
[8]train 4117: The entry was a mistake. It should have been for 1.11.. Sorry, please delete the entry.

Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`d367176_sled`.`tabulky_zobrazeni`, CONSTRAINT `tabulky_zobrazeni_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`admin_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`)) in /data/web/virtuals/367176/virtual/www/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /data/web/virtuals/367176/virtual/www/domains/ PDOStatement->execute() #1 /data/web/virtuals/367176/virtual/www/domains/ ulozZobrazeni(0) #2 {main} thrown in /data/web/virtuals/367176/virtual/www/domains/ on line 5951