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Deployment overview
TS 121: 162 DKV Praha PJ Děčín, TS 103: 150.2 DKV Praha PJ Praha-Vršovice

TS 121 (162) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 121 / 1. day
R 671Děčín hl.n. (4:24) - Praha hl.n. (6:08)operates in work days
R 692Praha hl.n. (6:51) - Děčín hl.n. (8:31)operates in work days
R 681Děčín hl.n. (9:24) - Praha hl.n. (11:08)operates in work days
R 686Praha hl.n. (12:51) - Děčín hl.n. (14:31)operates in work days
R 687Děčín hl.n. (15:24) - Praha hl.n. (17:08)operates in work days
R 678Praha hl.n. (17:51) - Děčín hl.n. (19:31)operates in work days
Os 6969Děčín hl.n. (21:24) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (21:47)operates Monday to Thursday
Os 6957Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (22:15) - Roudnice nad Labem (22:58)operates Monday to Thursday
TS 121 / 2. day
Os 6930Roudnice nad Labem (5:37) - Děčín hl.n. (6:37)operates in work days
Os 6802Děčín hl.n. (7:30) - Kadaň-Prunéřov (9:29)operates in work days
Os 6805Kadaň-Prunéřov (10:29) - Děčín hl.n. (12:24)operates in work days
Lv 71261Děčín hl.n. (12:44) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (13:04)operates in work days
Sp 1657Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:41) - Lovosice (14:56)operates in work days
Sp 1656Lovosice (15:17) - Ústí nad Labem západ (15:33)operates in work days
Os 6431Ústí nad Labem západ (17:03) - Mělník (18:03)operates in work days
TS 121 / 3. day
Os 6443Mělník (5:02) - Kolín (6:58)operates in work days
Os 5904
Kolín (7:29) - Nymburk hl.n. (7:56)operates in work days
Os 5879Nymburk hl.n. (8:01) - Kolín (8:28)operates in work days
Os 5874Kolín (9:29) - Nymburk hl.n. (9:56)operates in work days
Sv 1310Nymburk hl.n. (18:34) - Praha odstavné nádraží (19:35)operates on Monday, on Friday
Sv 1311operates on Monday, on Friday
TS 121 / 4. day
Os 6402Nymburk hl.n. (5:31) - Ústí nad Labem západ (7:51)operates in work days
Os 6957Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (22:15) - Roudnice nad Labem (22:58)operates on Friday
TS 121 / 5. day
Os 6401Ústí nad Labem západ (5:03) - Kolín (7:58)operates in work days
Os 5872Kolín (8:29) - Nymburk hl.n. (8:56)operates in work days
TS 121 / 6. day
Os 6404Nymburk hl.n. (6:31) - Ústí nad Labem západ (8:51)operates in work days
Sp 1655Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (12:41) - Roudnice nad Labem (13:11)operates in work days
Sp 1654Roudnice nad Labem (14:26) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (14:56)operates in work days
Sp 1696Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (15:46) - Chomutov (16:49)operates in work days
TS 121 / 7. day
Os 6823Chomutov (4:39) - Děčín hl.n. (6:24)operates in work days
Os 6963Děčín hl.n. (6:58) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (7:27)operates in work days
R 679Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (8:41) - Praha hl.n. (10:08)operates in work days
R 688Praha hl.n. (10:51) - Děčín hl.n. (12:31)operates in work days
R 685Děčín hl.n. (13:24) - Praha hl.n. (15:08)operates in work days
R 682Praha hl.n. (15:51) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:14)operates in work days
Sp 1698Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (17:46) - Chomutov (18:49)operates in work days
TS 121 / 8. day
R 601Kadaň-Prunéřov (5:55) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (6:09)operates in work days
Lv 71260Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (6:14) - Děčín hl.n. (6:39)operates in work days
R 677Děčín hl.n. (7:24) - Praha hl.n. (9:08)operates in work days
R 680Praha hl.n. (16:51) - Děčín hl.n. (18:31)operates in work days
R 691Děčín hl.n. (19:24) - Praha hl.n. (21:09)operates in work days
R 670Praha hl.n. (23:21) - Děčín hl.n. (1:05)operates Monday to Thursday
R 676Praha hl.n. (18:51) - Děčín hl.n. (20:31)operates on Sundays and public holidays
Os 6969Děčín hl.n. (21:24) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (21:47)operates on Sundays and public holidays
TS 121 / 9. day
Sv 21811Praha odstavné nádraží (4:11) - Kolín (5:05)operates on Monday
Sp 1900Kolín (5:37) - Praha Masarykovo nádraží (6:28)operates in work days
Sp 1901Praha Masarykovo nádraží (16:14) - Kolín (17:05)operates in work days
TS 121 / 10. day
Sp 1902Kolín (6:48) - Praha Masarykovo nádraží (7:36)operates in work days
Sp 1903Praha Masarykovo nádraží (17:14) - Kolín (18:05)operates in work days
Sv 21810Kolín (18:35) - Praha odstavné nádraží (19:29)operates on Friday

TS 103 (150.2 PJ Praha-Vršovice) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 103 / 1. day
R 675Děčín hl.n. (6:24) - Praha hl.n. (8:08)operates in work days
R 690Praha hl.n. (8:51) - Děčín hl.n. (10:31)operates in work days
R 683Děčín hl.n. (11:24) - Praha hl.n. (13:08)operates in work days
R 684Praha hl.n. (14:51) - Děčín hl.n. (16:31)operates in work days
R 689Děčín hl.n. (17:24) - Praha hl.n. (19:08)operates in work days
R 674Praha hl.n. (19:51) - Ústí nad Labem hl.n. (21:14)operates in work days
Os 6968Ústí nad Labem západ (22:24) - Děčín hl.n. (22:55)operates in work days


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