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Deployment overview
TS 861 - 864 a 765: 814, 810 a 714 OŘOD západ PP Děčín

TS 861 (814) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 861 / 1. day
Sp 1960Děčín hl.n. (1:13) - Česká Kamenice (1:39)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6651Česká Kamenice (4:52) - Děčín hl.n. (5:20)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Sp 1963Rumburk (5:16) - Děčín hl.n. (6:20)operates in work days
Os 6650Děčín hl.n. (6:37) - Rumburk (7:49)operates daily
Os 6655Rumburk (8:09) - Děčín hl.n. (9:20)operates daily
Os 6654Děčín hl.n. (10:37) - Rumburk (11:49)operates daily
Os 6659Rumburk (12:08) - Děčín hl.n. (13:20)operates daily
Os 6672Děčín hl.n. (13:27) - Česká Kamenice (13:55)operates in work days
Os 6673Česká Kamenice (13:59) - Děčín hl.n. (14:27)operates in work days
Os 6658Děčín hl.n. (14:37) - Rumburk (15:49)operates daily
Os 6663Rumburk (16:09) - Děčín hl.n. (17:20)operates daily
Os 6662Děčín hl.n. (17:37) - Rumburk (18:51)operates in work days
Os 6664Děčín hl.n. (18:37) - Rumburk (19:49)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6667Rumburk (20:06) - Děčín hl.n. (21:20)operates on Friday, on Saturday, on Sundays and public holidays
Os 6668Děčín hl.n. (22:37) - Rumburk (23:50)operates on Sundays and public holidays

TS 862 (814) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 862 / 1. day
Os 6683Dolní Poustevna (5:16) - Rumburk (5:56)operates on workdays and Saturdays, 7. IV., 5. VII., 28. IX., 17. XI., not operates 8. IV., 18. XI.
Os 6653Rumburk (6:08) - Děčín hl.n. (7:20)operates daily
Os 6652Děčín hl.n. (8:37) - Rumburk (9:49)operates daily
Os 6657Rumburk (10:06) - Děčín hl.n. (11:20)operates daily
Os 6656Děčín hl.n. (12:37) - Rumburk (13:49)operates daily
Os 6661Rumburk (14:06) - Děčín hl.n. (15:20)operates daily
Os 6660Děčín hl.n. (16:37) - Rumburk (17:49)operates daily
Os 6665Rumburk (18:06) - Děčín hl.n. (19:20)operates daily
Os 6666Děčín hl.n. (20:37) - Rumburk (21:49)operates daily
Os 6684Rumburk (22:25) - Dolní Poustevna (23:02)operates workdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 24. XII., 25. XII., 7. IV., 8. IV., 9. IV., 30. IV., 7. V., 5. VII., 28. X., 17. XI.

TS 863 (814) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 863 / 1. day
Os 6651Rumburk (4:14) - Děčín hl.n. (5:20)operates in work days
Os 6670Děčín hl.n. (5:24) - Česká Kamenice (5:53)operates in work days
Os 6671Česká Kamenice (7:49) - Děčín hl.n. (8:20)operates in work days
Os 6674Děčín hl.n. (15:37) - Jedlová (16:24)operates in work days
Os 6675Jedlová (17:32) - Děčín hl.n. (18:20)operates in work days
Os 6664Děčín hl.n. (18:37) - Rumburk (19:49)operates in work days
Os 6667Rumburk (20:06) - Děčín hl.n. (21:20)operates Monday to Thursday
Os 6668Děčín hl.n. (22:37) - Rumburk (23:50)operates Monday to Thursday

TS 864 (810) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 864 / 1. day
Os 6668Děčín hl.n. (22:37) - Rumburk (23:50)operates on Friday, on Saturday, daily from 6. to 9. IV., 4. VII., 5. VII., 27. IX., 16. XI., not operates 24. XII., 31. XII.
TS 864 / 2. day
Os 26044Rumburk (3:54) - Varnsdorf (4:23)operates in work days
Os 26051Varnsdorf (5:12) - Rybniště (5:26)operates in work days
Os 26050Rybniště (5:37) - Varnsdorf (5:51)operates in work days
Os 26053Varnsdorf (6:05) - Rybniště (6:19)operates in work days
Os 26052Rybniště (6:44) - Varnsdorf (6:58)operates in work days
Os 26057Varnsdorf (7:02) - Rybniště (7:16)operates in work days
Os 26056Rybniště (7:37) - Varnsdorf (7:51)operates in work days
Os 26059Varnsdorf (8:07) - Rybniště (8:21)operates in work days
Os 26058Rybniště (9:09) - Varnsdorf (9:23)operates in work days
Os 26063Varnsdorf (10:02) - Rybniště (10:16)operates in work days
Os 26060Rybniště (10:37) - Varnsdorf (10:51)operates in work days
Os 26067Varnsdorf (12:02) - Rybniště (12:16)operates in work days
Os 26064Rybniště (12:44) - Varnsdorf (12:58)operates in work days
Os 26071Varnsdorf (13:02) - Rybniště (13:16)operates in work days
Os 26068Rybniště (13:37) - Varnsdorf (13:51)operates in work days
Os 26073Varnsdorf (14:02) - Rybniště (14:16)operates in work days
Os 26072Rybniště (15:37) - Varnsdorf (15:51)operates in work days
Os 26077Varnsdorf (16:07) - Rybniště (16:21)operates in work days
Os 26076Rybniště (17:37) - Varnsdorf (17:51)operates in work days
Os 26081Varnsdorf (18:02) - Rybniště (18:16)operates in work days
Os 26078Rybniště (19:09) - Varnsdorf (19:23)operates in work days
Os 26085Varnsdorf (20:29) - Rybniště (20:43)operates in work days
Os 26080Rybniště (21:37) - Varnsdorf (21:51)operates in work days
Os 26045Varnsdorf (22:39) - Rumburk (23:09)operates in work days
Os 26046Rumburk (4:53) - Varnsdorf (5:22)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26055Varnsdorf (6:29) - Rybniště (6:43)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26054Rybniště (7:09) - Varnsdorf (7:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26061Varnsdorf (8:29) - Rybniště (8:43)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26058Rybniště (9:09) - Varnsdorf (9:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26065Varnsdorf (10:34) - Rybniště (10:48)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26062Rybniště (11:09) - Varnsdorf (11:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26069Varnsdorf (12:29) - Rybniště (12:43)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26066Rybniště (13:09) - Varnsdorf (13:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26075Varnsdorf (14:34) - Rybniště (14:48)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26070Rybniště (15:09) - Varnsdorf (15:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26079Varnsdorf (16:29) - Rybniště (16:43)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26074Rybniště (17:09) - Varnsdorf (17:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26083Varnsdorf (18:35) - Rybniště (18:49)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26078Rybniště (19:09) - Varnsdorf (19:23)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 26085Varnsdorf (20:29) - Rumburk (21:02)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Os 6669Rumburk (21:07) - Děčín hl.n. (22:22)operates on Saturday
TS 864 / 3. day
Os 6669Rumburk (21:07) - Děčín hl.n. (22:22)operates on Friday, daily from 6. to 9. IV., 4. VII., 5. VII., 27. IX., 16. XI.