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Deployment overview
Go-Ahead: 111, 112, 114, 182 RE80 Würzburg - Treuchtlingen

Period 10. 10. 2023 – 9. 12. 2023

1+2 (112/114 + 3x Dostos) #

trainroutewhen goes
1+2 / 1. day
RE 76851Würzburg Hbf (4:30) - Treuchtlingen (6:09)operates in work days
RE 76881Würzburg Hbf (5:23) - Treuchtlingen (7:29)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76852Treuchtlingen (6:16) - Würzburg Hbf (8:07)operates in work days
RE 76882Treuchtlingen (8:26) - Würzburg Hbf (10:17)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76853Würzburg Hbf (8:43) - Treuchtlingen (10:29)operates in work days
RE 76883Würzburg Hbf (10:41) - Treuchtlingen (12:29)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76854Treuchtlingen (11:28) - Würzburg Hbf (13:17)operates in work days
RE 76884Treuchtlingen (13:28) - Würzburg Hbf (15:19)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76855Würzburg Hbf (13:40) - Treuchtlingen (15:27)operates in work days
RE 76885Würzburg Hbf (15:41) - Treuchtlingen (17:27)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76856Treuchtlingen (16:25) - Würzburg Hbf (18:16)operates in work days
RE 76886Treuchtlingen (18:26) - Würzburg Hbf (20:17)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76857Würzburg Hbf (18:41) - Treuchtlingen (20:29)operates in work days
RE 76887Würzburg Hbf (20:41) - Treuchtlingen (22:29)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76858Treuchtlingen (21:28) - Ansbach (22:02)operates in work days
LT Treuchtlingen (22:46) - Ansbach (23:27)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
1+2 / 2. day
RE 76880Ansbach (4:40) - Würzburg Hbf (5:47)operates on Saturday
RE 76860Ansbach (5:24) - Würzburg Hbf (6:31)operates in work days
RE 76850Ansbach (6:25) - Würzburg Hbf (8:17)operates on Sunday
RE 76861Würzburg Hbf (6:41) - Treuchtlingen (8:29)operates on workdays and Saturdays
RE 76853Würzburg Hbf (8:43) - Treuchtlingen (10:29)operates on Sunday
RE 76862Treuchtlingen (9:28) - Würzburg Hbf (11:19)operates on workdays and Saturdays
RE 76854Treuchtlingen (11:28) - Würzburg Hbf (13:17)operates on Sunday
RE 76863Würzburg Hbf (11:40) - Treuchtlingen (13:51)operates in work days
RE 76863Würzburg Hbf (11:40) - Treuchtlingen (13:27)operates on Saturday
RE 76855Würzburg Hbf (13:40) - Treuchtlingen (15:27)operates on Sunday
RE 76864Treuchtlingen (14:25) - Würzburg Hbf (16:14)operates in work days
RE 76864Treuchtlingen (14:28) - Würzburg Hbf (16:14)operates on Saturday
RE 76856Treuchtlingen (16:26) - Würzburg Hbf (18:16)operates on Sunday
RE 76865Würzburg Hbf (16:43) - Treuchtlingen (18:30)operates on workdays and Saturdays
RE 76857Würzburg Hbf (18:41) - Treuchtlingen (20:29)operates on Sunday
LT Treuchtlingen (19:23) - Ansbach (20:08)operates in work days
RE 76867Ansbach (20:11) - Würzburg Hbf (21:17)operates in work days
RE 76868Treuchtlingen (19:28) - Würzburg Hbf (21:17)operates on Saturday
RE 76878Treuchtlingen (22:25) - Würzburg Hbf (0:17)operates on Sunday

3 (111/182 + Dostos/n-Wagen) #

trainroutewhen goes
3 / 1. day
RE 76889Würzburg Hbf (4:30) - Treuchtlingen (6:09)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76871Würzburg Hbf (5:23) - Treuchtlingen (7:01)operates in work days
RE 76850Treuchtlingen (6:25) - Würzburg Hbf (8:17)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76872Treuchtlingen (7:26) - Würzburg Hbf (9:18)operates in work days
RE 76853Würzburg Hbf (8:43) - Treuchtlingen (10:29)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76873Würzburg Hbf (9:41) - Treuchtlingen (11:29)operates in work days
RE 76854Treuchtlingen (11:28) - Würzburg Hbf (13:17)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76874Treuchtlingen (12:25) - Würzburg Hbf (14:17)operates in work days
RE 76855Würzburg Hbf (13:40) - Treuchtlingen (15:27)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76875Würzburg Hbf (14:41) - Treuchtlingen (16:29)operates in work days
RE 76856Treuchtlingen (16:26) - Würzburg Hbf (18:16)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76876Treuchtlingen (17:28) - Würzburg Hbf (19:17)operates in work days
RE 76857Würzburg Hbf (18:41) - Treuchtlingen (20:29)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76877Würzburg Hbf (19:41) - Treuchtlingen (21:27)operates in work days
RE 76878Treuchtlingen (22:29) - Würzburg Hbf (0:17)operates daily

4 (112/114 + 3x Dostos) #

trainroutewhen goes
4 / 1. day
RE 76908Treuchtlingen (5:02) - Würzburg Hbf (6:44)operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
RE 76900Treuchtlingen (5:12) - Würzburg Hbf (7:09)operates in work days
RE 76901Würzburg Hbf (7:41) - Treuchtlingen (9:27)operates daily
RE 76902Treuchtlingen (10:25) - Würzburg Hbf (12:17)operates daily
RE 76903Würzburg Hbf (12:43) - Treuchtlingen (14:29)operates daily
RE 76904Treuchtlingen (15:28) - Würzburg Hbf (17:17)operates daily
RE 76905Würzburg Hbf (17:41) - Treuchtlingen (19:27)operates daily
RE 76906Treuchtlingen (20:24) - Würzburg Hbf (22:17)operates daily
RE 76907Würzburg Hbf (23:04) - Treuchtlingen (0:44)operates on workdays and Saturdays
RE 76907Würzburg Hbf (23:04) - Ansbach (0:09)operates on Sunday
LT Ansbach (0:17) - Treuchtlingen (0:44)operates on Sunday