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Deployment overview
GWTR + TS 801: 628.2, 842 + 954.2 DKV Plzeň PJ Plzeň

Period 21. 1. 2017 – 29. 6. 2017

TS 801 (842 + 954.2) #

trainroutewhen goes
TS 801 / 1. day
Os 7605
Žihle (6:15) - Plzeň hl.n. (7:29)operates in work days
R 1188Plzeň hl.n. (12:05) - Most (14:49)operates daily
R 1189Most (15:05) - Plzeň hl.n. (17:54)operates daily
R 1182Plzeň hl.n. (18:05) - Most (20:49)operates workdays, Sundays and public holidays, not operates 14. IV., 16. IV., 7. V., 5. VII., 17. XI.
TS 801 / 2. day
Os 6861
Most (4:15) - Bílina (4:25)operates in work days
R 1181Bílina (4:42) - Plzeň hl.n. (7:54)operates in work days
Os 7666Plzeň hl.n. (12:16) - Plasy (12:58)operates in work days
Os 7669
Plasy (14:59) - Plzeň hl.n. (15:41)operates in work days
Os 7606Plzeň hl.n. (16:16) - Mladotice (17:09)operates in work days
Os 7617
Mladotice (18:47) - Plzeň hl.n. (19:41)operates in work days
R 1181Most (5:05) - Plzeň hl.n. (7:54)operates on Saturday, not operates 15. IV., 18. XI.
Os 7640Plzeň hl.n. (10:16) - Mladotice (11:09)operates on Saturday
Os 7641
Mladotice (12:47) - Plzeň hl.n. (13:41)operates on Saturday
Os 7606Plzeň hl.n. (16:16) - Žihle (17:23)operates on Saturday
Os 7617
Žihle (18:34) - Plzeň hl.n. (19:41)operates on Saturday
Os 7610Plzeň hl.n. (21:06) - Žihle (22:09)operates before workdays, regularly Sunday to Thursday

GWTR (ex 642) #

trainroutewhen goes
GWTR / 1. day
R 1081Obrnice (6:43) - Most (6:48 - 7:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (9:54)operates daily
R 1082Plzeň hl.n. (10:05) - Most (12:42 - 12:55) - Obrnice (13:00)operates on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Saturday, on Sunday
R 1082Plzeň hl.n. (10:05) - Most (12:42)operates on Friday
R 1085Most (13:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (15:54)operates on Friday
R 1086
Plzeň hl.n. (16:05) - Most (18:42 - 19:07) - Obrnice (19:12)operates on Friday
R 1087
Obrnice (16:32) - Most (16:37 - 17:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (19:54)operates on Sunday, 17. IV., 1. V., 8. V., not operates 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V.
R 1088Plzeň hl.n. (20:05) - Most (22:42 - 22:55) - Obrnice (23:00)operates on Sunday, 17. IV., 1. V., 8. V., not operates 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V.
GWTR / 2. day
R 1083Obrnice (8:43) - Most (8:48 - 9:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (11:54)operates daily
R 1084Plzeň hl.n. (14:05) - Most (16:42)operates on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Saturday, on Sunday
R 1084
Plzeň hl.n. (14:05) - Most (16:42)operates on Friday
R 1087Most (17:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (19:54)operates daily
R 1088
Plzeň hl.n. (20:05) - Most (22:42 - 22:55) - Obrnice (23:00)operates on Sunday, 17. IV., 1. V., 8. V., not operates 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V.
GWTR / 3. day
R 1080Plzeň hl.n. (6:05) - Most (8:42 - 8:55) - Obrnice (9:00)operates daily
R 1085Obrnice (12:43) - Most (12:48 - 13:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (15:54)operates on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Saturday, on Sunday
R 1085
Obrnice (12:43) - Most (12:48 - 13:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (15:54)operates on Friday
R 1086Plzeň hl.n. (16:05) - Most (18:42 - 19:07) - Obrnice (19:12)operates on workdays and Saturdays
R 1086Plzeň hl.n. (16:05) - Most (18:42)operates on Sunday, 17. IV., 1. V., 8. V., not operates 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V.
R 1089Most (19:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (21:54)operates on Sunday, 17. IV., 1. V., 8. V., not operates 16. IV., 30. IV., 7. V.
GWTR / 4. day
R 1083
Obrnice (8:43) - Most (8:48 - 9:10) - Plzeň hl.n. (11:54)operates on Friday
R 1084Plzeň hl.n. (14:05) - Most (16:42 - 17:07) - Obrnice (17:12)operates on Friday


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